I'm a L'Argenius! XDD

Mar 01, 2010 08:32

Actually got it on my first try.

BUT it was a real fluke, because I guessed the BARKS one - I couldn't see the video and the question. So if someone could tell what that question (and answer XD) was, I'd be very thankful.

Well, okay, so I kind of guessed  the GC as well (Huh? Didn't know about that at all!) by a fluke as well *pouts* I guess I'm just lucky this way XD

I think I'll be rooting for Yukki when the whole thing comes out. It just seems unfair to him, no matter how I look - he's the one who joined them last, so unless they only had questions from 1997 up, he'd have a harder time knowing the answers than the others. And he's shy and doesn't like speaking, which means he's just less motivated to do all the frantic button pushing that seems to have been going on XD

EDIT: Finally managed to watch the BARKS video. Would have known the answer to that anyway since I watched a vid that mentioned something like that like... a day or two ago O_o Coincidences and all that :)

squeal, amusement, l'arc~en~ciel, yukihiro

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