quick aside: i have to say i would LOVE it if this happened:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/29/iran.nuclear/index.html okay... but on to today's news. blah blah tropical storm ernesto. we're not super worried, but we are preparing. nothing like thinking back to what happened a year ago today to put this little storm into perspective, right? so i'm calling the kids out, assigning them to shelters, giving them the info they need, etc. i got reassigned to one of the other big shelters (seminole ridge high school) because the manager there (all managers are volunteers, the paid staff serves specific papaerwork/administrative functions as well as general support) might need to leave to open one out in the glades which means they would want me to take over and run the whole shebang. which is kinda cool - of all the staff, they want ME to step up and be a manager. word. i'm kinda looking forward to bringing out a contingent of youth volunteers, and putting them into some of the other shelters, too.
anyhow... back to business. see you on the flip side when we have power and internet access again. :-)