links links links for you you you.
1. laws are retarded. technicalities are lame.
this article is evidence of both.
2. ever dream about spending an entire year at disney?
well this guy's living your dream.
3. not enough NPR in your life?
find a station near you and listen to it.
4. and then there's
bjork's michael jackson dress.
5. regular girl scouts are too sweet.
now there's an alternative for the witches.
6. wear your nano on your belt.
no for real.
7. a 15-year-old whose taste in music doesn't suck.
and she's podcasting.
8. last week was friday the 13th.
feel unlucky, punk?9. and of course,
a water powered clock.
10. three of my favorite hot female celebrities.
all prettied up for the golden globes.
11. aggression in the kitchen.
a head-shaped knife block.
holy freaking jellyfish batman!13. regular stilettos too comfortable for you?
try stainless steel ones.
because making fun of ted kennedy is fun for the whole family.
15. funny headline of the day,
coutesy of slate.
16. cats are cute.
especially when little grey kittens mimic their older orange siblings. awwwwwwwwww.
from the Dissatisfied With Your Job Archives: