Apr 29, 2015 07:48
Let me tell you about the best horror film ever made. You can tell it's the best, by the name alone:
Claw Dracula: Swordsmen of Death
The film starts with our protagnoist, who is little more than an excuse to have a viewpoint for the camera, going to a party hidden in the back of an odd grocery store. It's Mother Goose themed, and to get to the party you have to step on tiles in a particular order.
The movie has a late 80's B movie vibe going for it, and the party reflects that. New wave music going full blast, men in suits and loud shirts, and shoulder pads everwhere.
As the night continues, every now and then a stranger walks up to our protagnist and tells him "you should leave, you don't want to stay here". Bewildered at first, and then frustrated, our protagnist of course sticks around.
Suddenly, one of the people who was telling him to leave jumps into the middle of the dance floor, arches his back, and points to the middle of his spine. Another one walks up to him, grows a set of giant claws, and proceeds to rip him in half.
The special effects aren't that great; Gremlins level at best, yet the intensity of the scene still carries through. Claw Dracula has arrived!
Our protagnist and the rest of the party goers try to flee, but most are detained by what are now clearly servants of Claw Dracula. They start stripping everyone down to their underwear, and then take everyone out to the main floor of the grocery store.
One by one people are sacrificed to Claw Dracula, with the bodies being stacked in a huge pile. As the night comes to a close, there's at least fifty corpses in the pile.
However, one brave prisoner sees a chance to free everyone and seizes it, leading to a stampede out of the store. Claw Dracula howls in frustration and starts to give chase, but this seems to break some part of his ritual, the corpse pile starts to move.
Our protagnist is paralyzed with fear and can only watch as the corpse pile seethes and writhes into a giant corpse ball, with a huge sword of bon coming out of it. All of the misshapen mouths keen at Claw Dracula, and the corpse ball spins at him at impossible speed for something of its size.
An epic showdown between Claw Dracula and the Swordsmen of Death commeneces, culminating with both striking each other down with one final, massive blow.
Completely covered in gore, our protagnist manages to stumble out of the grocery store, where the shn has begun to rise. The local authorities have started to arrive, and provide support for the survivors.
Back in the pile of corpses, one of Claw Dracula's claws thrusts defiantly out of the pile, the camera zooming in to focus.
The End.