Dec 24, 2009 18:42
So, I'd hoped that by the time Christmas rolled around, I'd have a ton of Christmas jokes/recordings/fics for people, but alas, chronic procrastination has struck once more >.< But I -am- going to do the joke/recording thing, it will just be very belated.
On a side note, once I get around to it, Monalovely and I wrote a parody that I -did- record, and am just being lazy about posting it. For a sneak peek, I'll just say: Crisis Core. Disney movie. Die laughing.
And that leads right into a nice ramble about how Angeal has an elephant cock, as opposed to the horsecock that is commonly accepted as canon.
... Cue my brain just dying from everything I've read/seen/absorbed in the past week. Namely, the entirety of Season Three of House in about three or four days. Can anyone say ten-hour marathon Tuesday?
It also might be a side effect of the massive storm hitting the Midwest yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Fucking snow >.<
So I leave you now, this Christmas Eve, with fond wishes for a good holiday season, good weather, good people to be around, and fucking AMAZING yaoi.
Love and peace