Jan 22, 2009 21:11
Because I care I call his name, but only because he stops and says “Yes?” do we connect.
Because I care I look at her with the hope that she will look back, but only when or eyes meet do we connect.
Because I care I say “Hello” and reach out to shake his hand, but only when he says “Hello” and shakes my hand do we connect.
Caring for her, I lower my eyes to her lips and lean in, but only when our lips join willingly do we kiss.
Caring for her and the one to whom we will send the energy of orgasm for healing, I slowly slip the tip of my throbbing wand toward her self-moistened cup, but only when she opens and draws my wand in do we connect. As a wise woman once shared, the moment of penetration can be more profoundly moving than orgasm.
Caring arouses me to connect. In fact, caring requires connection. I cannot care unless I at some level connect with the one for whom I care. Caring fulfills itself by connecting.
Connecting is mutual. I connect with the other only if the other also connects with me. If my effort to connect is met with indifference or denial there is no connection, neither is there any caring.
Connection is a holistic experience for everyone involved. It’s volitional, mental, emotional, energetical, physical and relational.
As a witch, I do well to pay attention to the instant of connection. It is best not taken for granted. That instant, every time it happens, is unique. Each instant of connection is something special, something sacred. With every connection our energies link and blend together.
When I connect with Freyja we share our energies with each other. Our boundaries blur. We mingle together. Likewise, when I connect with anyone, anything-goddess, god, elemental, stone, herb, tree, animal, human-our energies merge. We become one. Our oneness can be of various degrees of shallow or deep, but whether shallow or deep we connect.
Connecting is the link between caring and communing. It is the moment caring, love embodied, becomes real and communing becomes possible.
Connecting makes knowledge of the other possible. It leads to wisdom, choosing best what to do, and empowers those who are connected to each other and the All.
Connecting is essential to being a witch.
nine-fold way,