My Personal Vision, Mission and Values

Dec 06, 2009 17:54

Today was a “Wow!” day for me. I’ve been fighting a virus and used the time to reflect on my life. During my reflection I thought a lot about the purpose of my life. I kind of did a mini vision quest. As I did the words for my personal vision, mission and values jelled.

My personal vision is my view of the difference I make in this world. It answers the question, “How exactly do I want to change the world? What difference do I personally want to make?”

My personal mission is what I actually do to realize my vision. My mission statement answers the question, “What will I do to help make my vision a reality?”

My personal values are what I will and will not do in carrying out my mission to realize my vision. They are the powers that I will exercise to fulfill my mission and help make my vision real.

Here they are, my personal vision, mission and values:

My vision is of a world in which more of us are fulfilling the life-affirming desires of our hearts.

In my opinion the more of us who are in the process of fulfilling the life-affirming desires of our hearts the better will be this world that we share with all beings. I believe that most, if not all of us have life-affirming desires in our hearts that we long to fulfill. Some of us have identified the desires and some have not. Some of us have also claimed them and some of us have not. Some of us are already clearing away the barriers to the life-affirming desires of our hearts and fulfilling them and some of us are not. Again, the more of us who identify, claim, clear away the barriers to, and fulfill the life-affirming desires of our hearts, the better all will be. I have written elsewhere about becoming who we are. I think that by fulfilling the life-affirming desires of our hearts we become who we truly are.

My mission is to help myself and others claim the life-affirming desires of our hearts and clear away barriers to fulfilling them.

As I reflect on my life I see that this has been the main theme of my life. This is what I have been studying and doing in many different ways, including the different jobs that I have had, my whole life. What is new for me is putting my mission into words. I found the process of putting my mission into words and the final version itself quite empowering.

My values are love, knowledge, wisdom and power.

I define love as the joyful union of all. The knowledge of which I speak is of the hidden made plain. The wisdom of which I speak is choosing best what to do in a given situation. Power is the ability to create desired change. It is energy in action. It is amoral but can be used in either helpful or harmful ways. I choose to use it in helpful ways.

In a sense all four of my values are virtues or powers. Uniting in joy what appears to be divided is a power. Making the hidden, the unknown, plain is a power. Choosing best what to do is a power. Creating change according to one’s will is power itself.

That I have four values is significant to me. Four is the number of Earth with its four seasons, elements, directions and winds. It is a number of strength and stability. I associate love with water and the West, knowledge with air and the East, wisdom with earth and the North, and power with fire and the South.

My next step is to develop a plan of action with specific goals, strategies and target dates so that I can be deliberate about carrying out my mission and realizing my vision. I am Vanatru. My strategies will include the nine-fold way techniques of healing and empowerment that I have learned from Freyja and also Freyr; specifically Seidr techniques.

To My Readers

If you are reading this far into this post, please know this: I am available to you. It does not matter to me what your religion, spirituality or philosophy is. It does not matter to me what your race, sexual orientation, educational level or income is- or anything else. What matters to me is the unfulfilled life-affirming desires of your heart, If you would like me to partner with you to help you fulfill the life-giving desires of your heart, I am glad to do so. By allowing me to partner with you, you help me fulfill the life-affirming desire of my heart.


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