Something Shared by Divine Ones and Humans

Nov 30, 2009 20:36

Freyja said to me:

Divine ones, humans and animals share a common power. We all have a truly awesome power: the power to give and take life. We can have children and kill children. (Everyone is someone’s child regardless of how old we are.) We can nurture life or hinder it. We can promote life or destroy it. We can affirm or deny it.

Given the two options I prefer promoting life. I choose life. If that is what some mean when they call me a fertility goddess, I approve.

Yes, there are times that I hinder, deny, destroy and take life. When I do so I do it to promote, affirm, nurture and give life to others. I do not take life merely to take it. I see nothing of value in taking life to prove one’s superiority, dominance, strength or valor. How empty. How vain. Such killing harms both the killer and killed. However, I do see value and great honor in taking life , only when necessary, so that others may live and that in peace free of threats to their lives.

I am for life. I seek others who are for life.

Among many today are those who only take life and destroy. Many kill and consume and give nothing in return. They give no gift for a gift. They seek only their own gain. They bring about an imbalance in favor of those who take and destroy. This brings imbalance not just where they live. The imbalance ripples out to touch the entire Middle World and beyond.

I seek those who give and nurture life. Yes, life is nurtured by death and such a death is of great worth because it nurtures life. We do well to feel and express a deep gratitude for all that dies that we might live.

freyja, vanatru, nine-fold way, vanic, vanir

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