Witchcraft: The Craft of Coincidences

Oct 07, 2009 20:32

There are many different definitions of witchcraft and I am optimistic enough to assume that they all have their own merits. For myself I have found that defining witchcraft as the craft of the wise helpful for describing the general context of the craft.

In my opinion, the wise are those who are skilled at choosing best what to do in a specific situation. When faced with a situation that requires taking action, the wise choose the best option and act accordingly. For example, if faced with a financial, health or relationship problem a wise one explores the options, chooses best what to do from among the options present at the time, and takes action. There are many who are wise. However, of the many who are wise not all are witches, not all who are wise practice the craft of the wise. What is the craft of the wise?

The craft of the wise is what makes witchcraft witchcraft. As handcrafters work with various raw materials to fashion them into decorative and utilitarian artworks, witches work with a raw material to create various works. Witches work with the raw material that some call spirit, some call the Power, and others call energy.  The raw material with which they work is available in plants, stones, the sun, moon and stars. It is available in the earth, wind, fire and water. It is available in other animals, including humans and Otherworld beings like the Aflar, Disir, Dwarves, Jotuns and certainly Goddesses and Gods. The Power is even available within witches themselves.  Witches work with this Power to do what is wise, what is best to do a given situation.

This is one way of understanding what witches do with the Power that they craft: They create coincidences. In other words, they bring together the choice of doing what is best to do with the desired outcome. For example, when someone is dis-eased, a witch brings together the choice to get well with what needs to happen to get well. When someone needs money to pay bills, a witch brings together the choice to pay the bills with the paying of the bills. When someone needs love, a witch brings together the choice of love with someone to love and be loved by. Witchcraft is the art of created coincidences.

So, witchcraft is the craft of the wise. It is the art and skill of choosing best what to do and crafting the Power of this world into a coincidence that brings the best about.

witch, nine-fold way, witchcraft, seidr

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