Kill it! Kill it!

Nov 22, 2004 02:49

I might be insane, but I'm starting over. That's right-- I'm scrapping everything I've written for Nano so far and starting over from the beginning!!

It's not impossible to finish in just over a week. Highly improbable, but not impossible. ;) The reason I'm doing this is that I would never finish if I kept writing what I had started: there was no flow, no way for me to just slip into the story and start putting words on paper. It's not a matter of waiting for "inspiration", it's a matter of finding the right voice to tell the story-- and then, after finding it, the real work begins.

I've found the voice, though it's typical that it's taken me until the Nth hour! I'm down to the wire, and it feels just like being back in school again. There's nothing quite like that adrenaline rush you get when you realize it's 2:54am and you have a 15 page paper due in exactly 7 hours and 6 minutes.

In my case, it's 2:54am and I have a 50,000 word novel due in 8 days.

Well, as I said before, the real work is just beginning. I have all of today until 7:30pm (dinner guests) to write, and all of tomorrow. Wednesday begins the trek to Virginia for Thanksgiving with my in-laws... I'm very excited about that! I'll be in the car for quite awhile, but nothing is more stimulating for braincells than driving. There's something in the repetetive, relaxing act of driving that gives me ideas, but I don't know what it is. I'll have Belle (my iBook) with me in the car for when my husband takes over driving, and spending three or four days without Internet access will be good for focusing on writing. Then it's home, home, home again!

We've decorated our apartment for Christmas. Except for the tree, some candles, and a couple strings of lights, we're all done. I think the best decoration is the candy table-- our coffee table has five different dishes all filled with holiday candy. It's bright, festive, and edible to boot! As soon as we have the tree up (probably the 28th or 29th), I'll take pictures and post them.
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