Car Update

Jan 13, 2006 06:28


I called GEICO on Tuesday to set up a rental car, the claims adjuster had suggested that GEICO offer us one. Since thejunebug are inseperable, we didn't think we would need it. With her parents in town, they needed to borrow her car.

The GEICO had to check with the claims adjuster, who hadn't recorded the rental car suggestion, and had to go into a little tirade about why I shouldn't have possesion of the car. This despite another GEICO person saying it would be okay to delay taking it to a repair shop until after the Holidays.

Well, it would have been nice to take it before the Holidays, since it would have given them a couple of weeks to be working on the car, but there simply wasn't time. The claim wasn't approved until the evening of Dec 22, we were day shift on Dec 23, were away Dec 27-January 3, and on day shift again January 4-6. I did manage to contact the Toyota body shop on January 4th, and fax them the parts order.

Anyway, to get the rental car, I had to allow GEICO to tow the car to Marietta Toyota. To allow them to tow the car, I had to first check with the Toyota body shop. Fortunately, they agreed (but they never received my fax :( ). So back on the phone with GEICO to set up towing and a rental. Then on the phone to Enterprise (blech) to make the reservation.


As it turns out GEICO's insistence on towing the car was a good thing. When the towing company arrived, we discovered that the car would neither start, or shift into Neutral, easily anyway.

I think that with the broken trunk latch that the trunk light has been on over the holidays and drained the battery, and the tower managed to move the car onto the tow truck and take it to the body shop.

Eerie how when you take your car for service, the return time is so many minutes or hours. The body shop just takes your car and your keys and says thanks.


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