Hi from some where in a big black hole.

May 08, 2007 22:35

Hi everyone! I swear I have not fallen off the face of the Earth.... well I don't think I have, oh wait there went Mars! Ok just kidding, I had a week with out the dearest daughter, she spent a week with her grandparents, which really nice because of my arm, though I realize now how much my life revolves around her, I was bored out of my mind most of the time. I would have done some sewing or crochet or something, but alas my arm was REALLY hurting until about oh Thursday I think, the pain in my shoulder just stopped. It was well almost orgasmic, though I was still having muscle pains, and I have had some returning pain, but it was short lived.

So other than that not much else has gone on except that if you are some sort of appliance or useful tool you must break it seems. First our dryer died, then the clutch in the Escape started acting all fobared. Oi!! I swear this is enough, then we have broken like 2 or 3 glasses since Monday, and it is only Tuesday, at the rate we are going I will be shopping for glasses soon (oh wait I was wanting new glasses.) ;)

Well not much else we are getting all kinds of scheduled up for the rest of May, every weekend we seem to have something going on. Well not much else to report... for now y'all have a good one, hope you are all doing well.
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