I have quite a few talented friends, both in RL, and here on LJ. Every day, I read an increasingly large amount of posts from these people, talking about how they can't pay their bills, can't afford to buy food, are at the risk of being evicted, have been evicted.......and all anybody had to do was take two seconds to look at their Ebay store, website, whatever, and buy something. It wouldn't even have to be something big - little things add up. Yet all they get are "Oh, I'm so sorry, hon" and other comments that while nice, don't do dick for the person involved.
Tell me, do you think anyone from Walmart, Macy's, or Best Buy is going to starve because you don't buy something from them this holiday season? Do you think they even give a shit one way or the other? Do you honestly think the person you're buying that technological piece of crap for is going to remember you gave it to them two months from now? Are they still going to be using it by this time next year? When people visit your home, do they point to your iPod and ask, "Gee, that's cool - where did you get that?" or "Who did you get that from?"
The answer to all of those questions is a big, fat, consumer-driven NO.
People look at your jewelry and ask where you got it. They comment on art hanging on your wall and ask where you got that, or who did it. They stop and admire that piece of sculpture in your garden, or that mosaic table sitting in your living room. People are drawn to handmade things - they're different. They evoke emotions on many levels. They are tangible evidence of the heart and soul of the person that created it.
People sit and bitch about the Christmas machine every single year, starting around October, yet those same people are standing in the rain at 5 am on Black Friday, waiting for the mall doors to open, to buy the "in" thing of the year that noone is going to give a rat's ass about three to six months down the road.
You want to make a difference in this world? Start looking at the ramifications of your actions. Put your money where your mouth is. Artists can't eat compliments.
When you buy handmade gifts, be it online, at a gallery, a craft show, an Open House - you are not only buying someone you know a gift that will be truly appreciated and has some actual thought behind it, but you're also helping an artist live a little easier for another day. Imagine what this world would be like if all the artists disappeared. We're not sitting around, eating bon-bons and making things on a whim - we bust our asses. We scrimp, save, and sacrifice for what we do. We lose a shitload of sleep, if we sleep at all. We spend our last 50 bucks on a show fee in hopes we'll make it back and then some. We spend money we don't have to buy food and other items for an Open House, then hope to God people show up. Yes, most of us do this for the love of the art, but what good is that art sitting in a plastic tote, gathering dust, because noone that sees it wants to open up their pocketbook or wallet?
You have a choice on how you spend your money. Make it a wise choice for once, and stop running like sheep to the malls to buy the latest five minute fad. The artists and craftspeople are the heirloom and treasure makers of this world. Think about that before you spend money on that plastic piece of shit from Walmart.
Here, I'll even give you a list to start with.
http://www.freyasfire.com/ http://www.crystalmoon.com/ http://www.helenabeana.com/ http://www.sarahblankstudios.com/ http://www.henlestudio.com/ http://www.madwomanintheattic.com/ http://www.artpropensity.com/home http://www.barbesaintjohn.com/ http://www.geocities.com/creatornat/ http://elfies-world.com/OL-Shop/index.php?osCsid=4c53836547de0bc10d84ba6485a6cdf4 http://tigerpixie.com/ http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=68851 (apologies if I forget anyone...email me and I'll add you to the list.)
And, before you ask, yes, I have gone and bought things from my artsy friends when they are going through tough times, and even when they're not. I may not be able to buy much, but I do buy something. Don't believe me? Come on over to my house.
Comments are disabled because I'm not in the mood to hear excuses. There are none.
Post is public in case anyone wants to link to it. You want to flame on it? Then go somewhere else to do it. It's my journal, so bite me.