Susan Miller Horoscope = Amazing!!!

Jun 09, 2009 16:34

Gemini Horoscope for June 2009

By Susan Miller

Last month - May - was a slow month because Mercury, your guardian planet, was retrograde. Ah, but that was then and this is now! Mercury has since regulated its orbit on May 30, and if you give a little space between that date and the first few days of June, by June 2 or 3 you should be back on your skateboard, speeding in the right direction. You won't have the need to backtrack as much as you did in May and that always pleases a Gemini!

While June will bring lots of action, July will be even better. Mars is currently moving through a fairly weak place in your chart, your twelfth house, signifying that you are not quite ready to move ahead with vigor. You are still in the process of finishing up an important two-year cycle that will officially end when Mars enters Gemini on July 13. In the meantime, June will be the perfect month to tie up loose ends on ongoing projects and to take a moment to stop and consider how far you've come.

If you are unhappy with a certain obligation or relationship you entered into some time ago, then decide whether you want to try to fix things or leave the deal or relationship altogether. If you feel it still holds promise, this is the time to stage talks to see how you can improve things. By all means, not everything will have to go, but this is the point when you need to stop and take stock.

June will be about resetting priorities and strategy. If you don't clear the decks and review all the elements in your life now, you won't be able to begin your new cycle with as much clean energy as you would if you did take the time to delete any elements in your life that are holding you back. If you don't go through the process of reexamination, by time you get to July 11, it will be like washing your white things in hot water, but tossing your black jeans into the same load. They don't belong there, of course, and those jeans taint your whole wash with a tinge of grey and spoil the clean freshness of that cycle. You won't want to bring anything from your past that you feel is not valuable and no longer contributes to your future. You have lots of exciting things coming up on the road ahead, and if you don't make room, you may become completely overwhelmed.

Mars' position in your twelfth house also indicates that you may have more than usual interaction with medical personnel in June. You may get a doctor or dentist's consultation, see a professional psychotherapist, or you may go for a medical procedure, such as a series of x-rays, blood tests, or other exams. With Venus near Mars all month, you will be pleased with the care that you get and it seems that you will have a good relationship with your health care professional.

Taking care of health matters will be very much in the spirit of June's emphasis on finishing things that have languished and need tending so that you can close one chapter and open a new one. Once Mars enters Gemini on July 11 you will want nothing to hold you back. If you need medical or dental care, schedule those appointments now.

It's alternatively possible that someone you know and love may be temporarily confined in some sort of facility, such as a hospital, nursing home, rehab center, or physical therapy center. (These are not mutually exclusive areas of the chart, so it may be that YOU go in for care and a relative does too, at the same time.) This is not a long trend, so get things taken care of soon so that you can get going in late July when Mars enters Gemini.

The full moon June 7 will focus on a troublesome relationship. I wish I could say that in a more delicate way, but alas, I figured I should say things to you as directly as possible. This full moon will be in your opposite sign of Sagittarius and will give an angry glare to Saturn. You may find that someone decides to pick a fight with you or criticize you in some very way. Because Saturn rules your solar eighth house of other people's money, the dispute is likely to be about money. There may be an unexpected element to this person's actions, and he or she may come on strong. Uranus is not in the greatest angle either and will be aching for a fight too, although thankfully Uranus will be a bit far in mathematical degree. You need to be prepared for this person to try to hurt your professional reputation, too.

The place this full moon is falling is the seventh house ruling partners and open enemies. I would certainly put this person in the latter category, but cheer up - at least you will get full disclosure. This person will play every card he or she holds, and that will be a big advantage to you. (Believe me, nothing will be held back.) This will allow you to assess the situation with unusual clarity and find ways to combat what's happening. Keep in mind that I am describing the CONDITION, not the OUTCOME. In astrology, the outcome is always up to you, both from past actions and present reactions and future negotiations.

June 7 is due to be a stressful time for all sorts of relationships, for almost every sign, not just yours.

I mentioned your health previously in your report - if you don't have a dispute with any cranky, mean person at the time near June 7, you may not feel your best. You may need a lot more rest, and if so, give in to it. Your nerves may be shot, and you will need downtime to recover from life in general. You must also keep an eye on matters related to real estate, home, property, and your parents, who may need your attention. Yes, June 7 will be time when you may be pulled in many directions, so don't have much on your plate at this time. You will need an empty schedule to deal with all the demands on you.

If your birthday falls in May, you will not feel the June 7 full moon as directly as those Gemini who were born within days of that date. If you were born later in the sign, say, near June 18, you might not feel much either. It's Gemini born on or within five days of June 7 who need to keep their antenna up and be ready to deal with anything that life throws their way. We study astrology so that we can be ready! Keep your armor on, dear Twin!

While the start of the month will be difficult regarding a confrontational person or partner, a health difficulty, or certain responsibilities regarding a parent, the good news is that later you will be distracted by excellent financial news. This month you will have a happy new moon, June 22, that will help you increase your earned income in the weeks to come in a substantial way. You may get a new source of income immediately, or in time, but one way or another, it appears your income is on the way up, up, up.

What makes this new moon June 22 special is that it falls at 1 degree Cancer, considered highly energetic when in a cardinal sign. (There are four cardinal signs, including Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.) In fact, when you get a planet, new moon, or full moon giving an aspect at zero or 1 degree of a cardinal sign like Cancer, it is an instant signal that it will be as powerful as the very life force it symbolizes. Surely this new moon will make itself known in a very clear way and you will notice this new moon.

Pluto will oppose this new moon directly, so there will be a negotiation, and someone at the top will be imposing, forceful, and difficult. (I see you there, mumbling to yourself as you hear this news: "This must be my month to deal with difficult people." That may be true but, hey, it's good practice. Don't be intimidated. Remember - Gemini was given the gift of speech, and you can talk circles around anyone. Woe to the one who engages you in a debate! I am just telling you about these tough aspects so that you won't feel broadsided. When it comes to money, you will have an advantage, so stay with me here, and I will explain everything. You have to look at the whole chart, not just one aspect, AND you have to see what's coming down the pike, too.

While the people you encounter in June may be quite a handful, keep in mind that the mighty Sun will be in Gemini until June 21, which will give you a big advantage. While it will leave by the new moon June 22, it still will be quite close. Pluto's position shows that you will encounter resistance to wrangling more money out of VIPs, but it does not mean you won't prevail in the end. Oddly, you may get it from another source - a completely different job - if you don't get it from the people you are dealing with now.

Next month, on July 21, we will have an important solar eclipse, one of the friendliest and supportive eclipses of the year. (This year we will have four lunar eclipses and two solar.) Miraculously, this eclipse is falling in Cancer too and will also help you raise your income. This is why I feel you may get either a second chance at getting more money from the people you are negotiating with now, or that you may get an offer from another company. Best of all, you won't have any problems with Pluto in July at eclipse time (whew!), and will get enormous support from Mars (the planet of power) and Uranus (which rules surprisingly positive developments that happen out of the blue).

This tells me that if you are being reasonable in your demands for salary or other financial negotiations, you should stick to your guns, because from June 21, and certainly after July 22, your financial negotiations will go far better. The increase I see you getting (now or several weeks or months from now) will be earned income, not money you win or are given as a gift. An eclipse often requires we trade one source of income for another. If your new source does not quite dovetail with the time you lose one source, remain confident that you will, and keep looking.

As I mentioned earlier, Saturn went direct last month on May 16 for the first time since December 31, 2008, providing you with another reason to be more optimistic about your financial outlook. I say that because Saturn naturally rules your solar eighth house of other people's money. This means that if talks about commissions, insurance claims, or the division of property in a divorce have had you pulling your hair out, then you will find that talks will start to go far better for you from now on.

Perhaps all those letters you sent your insurance company will show results! Or, all those talks you had with your ex about how to divide valuables prior to a divorce are finally leading you both to a settlement. (Of course, the eighth house rules more than divorce settlements and insurance payouts - it rules inheritances, commissions, licensing fees, mortgages and refinancing plans, lines of credit, credit cards, venture capital, taxes, and a host of similar topics that may fall in the area of "other people's money." All these areas are starting to improve for you. You may have already seen evidence of this progress in mid-to-late May, but if not, then you will see progress in June and in months ahead. Saturn is not due to go retrograde again until January 13, 2010, so you will have plenty of time to make tracks.

Travel should be wonderful if taken on or near June 2, when Venus signals Jupiter in your house of long distance travel. News from people abroad, and/or concerning publishing and broadcasting projects, will shine. Another area of possible good news involves anything in regard to your pursuit for a higher education. For example, this would be a great day to take a test or have a major interview.

Another good day to travel or deal with people abroad will be June 17, but I am concerned that the day is mixed. The Sun will be cheery to Jupiter and Neptune but in angry angle to Uranus. This means pleasure travel will go well, but any other matter regarding your career (whether related to travel or not) will require caution.

Romantically, be patient until Venus enters Gemini after June 14 and better yet, after Mars enters Gemini on July 11. You do have good aspects for meeting people on blind dates, thanks to Venus and Mars in your twelfth house, but I worry that the person you just met on a dating site and plan to see in a coffee shop is married or not being truthful in other ways. It will be vital that you find out as much as you can about this new person before getting in too deep. I am just not crazy about Venus and Mars meeting in your twelfth house. Other astrologers may disagree, but the twelfth house is simply one that is in shadows - when Venus and Mars come into the light in Gemini, you have much better prospects for meeting true love.

If you are attached and if you get through the June 7 full moon in one piece as a couple, congratulations. You seem to be built for the long road ahead and your chances of success are strong! See how it goes. (LAWL!!!!!)

Generally, your most romantic evenings include: June 2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20-21, 25, and 29.


On June 2, when Venus and Jupiter trade loving signals, you'll have something to celebrate. News may emanate from overseas, may involve a journey you'll soon take, or have to do with a publishing or broadcasting venture. It's all for good.

Tensions build when you experience a troubling episode with a partner at the full moon June 7, revealing a side of character that you'd rather not see. At the very same time, you will also have to rethink living arrangements, a real estate matter, or a family member's urgent needs. Suffice to say that the full moon on June 7, plus or minus four days, will keep you on edge and require a high degree of concentration. Things will improve by mid-month. Protect your health, as this full moon will be very draining on your constitution.

The new moon, June 22, will open a window of two weeks of sterling financial opportunity. Ask for a raise, or if you're on your own, seek more clients. The juicy fruit you have desired hangs low on the branch. All you have to do is reach for it and put it in your pocket. Will you find a way to do it? Pluto will be in tough angle, but that only means you will need to have your arguments lined up and organized. This will be no time to blink. Next month the solar eclipse will help you again, bringing you either another chance to go in there to negotiate a better deal or find another source of income. Your mind will be on regular salary, not money won or given in a chunk.

However, having said that, with Saturn now moving at top speed, you will have help from Saturn for the first time in 2009. Saturn regulated its orbit on May 16, so the area of other people's money - loans and credit, mortgage and refinancing plans, inheritance, insurance claims, and so forth - will bring far better news.

Dates to keep in mind:

Most romantic evening: June 2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20-21, 25, and 29.

Complete a family responsibility cheerfully: June 5.

Handle a partnership dispute with care - it will be all too easy to get very angry: June 5-10.

A fantastic day for career news or for generating ideas: June 9.

Travel on a long journey: June 17, but not for business.

Take a qualifying exam: June 17.

Media opportunities glitter: June 17.

Ask for a raise, and don't be shy, even if you meet resistance: June 22-30. (Your hardest day will be June 23). If you get rejection, you seem to get another, better chance after the solar eclipse July 21.


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