(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 08:57

We're leaving, On a jet plane...

I've been in AZ for five days visiting my folks.  It's been fun... well, for Zaedy.  For me it's been a lot of homesickness and longing for Oregon.  Its damn HOT here, People.  80 degrees in NOVEMBER?!  WTF is THAT all about?  When I left it was in the 50's and still Fall-ing with a vengence.  When we get back today it will be in the 40's.  As it SHOULD be in November.  How strange to be in this climate again.  It makes me glad that during my breakdown 15 months or so ago that I really trusted my gut (at a time when I felt like my guts had shit for brains seeing as how they had gotten me NOWHERE but HELL the year before) and returned to my beloved Oregon.  Even though I had a job and a cute little condo all set up in Tucson, in the eleventh hour I chucked it all to go back to my tribe and try to set up a new life.  And what a blessed life I was given.  The Universe not only caught me after my leap, but cradled me safely and filled my world with abundance.  I am *Thankful*

Being here now was strange and kind of cathartic.  I made an offering yesterday at the Buddha in my folk's backyard... the same place where I held my cleansing ritual a year and a half ago in one of the lowest points of my life.  I really have come full circle in *SO* many ways.  I prayed for peace.  I thanked for Abundance.  I asked for Healthy, stable, abundant love for my family.  I sat in quiet and listened to the wind.  I watched the sun turn the mountains pink as it set low in the sky (how beautiful the sky is in the desert!)  Sometimes during magick and ritual one isn't given the opportunity to return to the very same place after some time has passed to revisit the growth, the lessons, the strength that came from that moment past.  To have this opportunity was Amazing.  It made me wonder if having a "New Year" ritual would be a good idea.  Set forth your intention... sum up your blessings... and in a year, revisit your life to take stock.

During this time of be thankful I invite you to take stock of your blessings.  To think on all that you have done and learned the past year.  To thank the universe for surviving and growing and living this life.

Abundant Blessings to you and yours.  Gods bless us, everyone.

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