oh ya know

Jul 23, 2013 03:36

Its such a nice night out. I miss writting in a random journal type thing. I miss being able to be completely annonomous. I left my for real journal in an attict somewhere. It was a really cool notebook to. One day I will venture into the wild lands of saint paul to retrive it. Its full of highly classified information that even I don't know and can't remember. Either way. I'm so happy to ditch that pile of useless crap I was lugging along for 2 years. Its like a giant weight being lifted. I feel like batgirl. Well batman really. I only said the girl part well cause I'm a girl. I guess. I'm pretty content at the moment. I don't even know. I lije being free. But at the same time its like I instantly get myself into trouble. Not even bad trouble. I have bruises i dont know where they came from. And I have a bagillion misquito bites. I don't wanna grow up I'm a toys r us stef. I love my nerd cave. Its my favorite room ever. I dont want to ever share my sancutary. Its mine and its weird and I love it. My phone is gonna die :C but ill keep going for a bit. I feel like a horribke heart stomping bitch and ill prolly run away from feels for a long time. None of the feels. But its really nice to feel wanted. And like in a good way. But I'm keeping the gate open. Just cause I found a nice vute guy who likes me who don't break my top 3 rules don't mean I should go for it.there are other rules. But I don't know they are like priority. But even still its too soon. I just like this right now thing. Livin in the moment. Its what I enjoy. Call it forever alone or call it I don't want to grow up. Not sure. But its fun I like it. I feel bad for dana. I just want to find my trouble number 2 who's on my level. I might be close but only time will tell.
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