omfg.... how does my PHONE remember a lost post i attempted on my computer?

Apr 23, 2011 05:19

To much chaos is swirling around me. I can't concentrate on the things I need to do. Instead I let myself get carried off to make believe lands full of magic and adventure. Its so much better than being in the real world.

I'm sick and tired of dealing with one person. I'm sick of being judged and constantly having to watch my back to keep eyes from prying. Then dealing with the hystaria that follows. I'm just god damn tired of it. I understand one will be upset. But when someone just sits around and looks for excuses to make it worse, it makes my head want to explode. Misery loves company this I know. I just want that misery to FUCK OFF and let me do my own thing... Don't ask questions that have answers you do NOT want to know. That puts me in an awkward spot, and makes you feel like shit. BUT you keep doing it. I can't text or type with out that constant eye on the lookout forsome new thing to freak out about. I feel like I'm in FUCKING high school again. Fighting for my privacy like it is some rare jewel.


I just need to chill, do some howework. I hate how my weekend away from stress, to go and enjoy myself ended up being more trouble than it was worth. I can't WAIT to loose this baggage. To not have a puppy to follow me around. Is it the end of may yet? I just want to run away...
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