And there is an end in sight.

Feb 01, 2011 04:31

Ok. So get ready for a bit of brain splody.... here goes..

First off Ill start with the good stuff. Its looking like I will be done with my AA this spring. *does a happy dance* about FUCKING time! after i graduate... Im wanna buy a keg and "hopefully" party it up with people I care about.. Its been SOOOO long i never thought i would actually get anywhere with school... its not the greatest degree... but something is better than nothing.
I was doodling in class today, and the girl in front of me was like O.O you should be a cartoonist you are gonna go places for sure.. lol sometimes its nice to hear stuff like that from normal people.

I finally told chris that when our lease is up... Im going to go wonder off and have an adventure with out him.  That sucked pretty hard. well for him at least. Im just ready to be free from the bounds of being in a relationship. I just want to have fun. AND fun I shall have damnit! you are only young once... i feel like Ive wasted to much time doing nothing...  I used to have fun all the time.... now not so much... chris is just...... uh... boring... Im a bit disappointed in myself that it took so long to see. So we are just gonna make the best of the time we have stuck together.
Its going to be ALOT harder for him than it is for me.

On a lighter note... ive never had so many fanboys.... wtf? its like all the single guys I know are like SOOO btw <3<3 <3.... *sigh* a reading dana gave me a while back kinda mentioned this.. but most of them live out of state for now.. i cant get online without getting bombarded with IMs..... time to start hanging out in offline mode so I can get some work done.. XD Though i really do think im falling for Jeff pretty hardcore... im NOT about to jump into a new relationship though. If i EVER do happen to agree to be in a relationship with someone Ive got uh well a different kind of idea in mind.... other than whats considered "normal." screw normal..... that shit has never been for me anyways. I have defiantly learned a lot over the past 4 years.
1. NEVER date anyone who has never lived anywhere other than parents house.
2. Video games must NOT take up 20 hours of the day.
3. I need to be with someone who is as driven and as motivated as I am...
4. impossible dreams are awesome... it keeps you on your toes.
5. I need a challenge. (that pretty much kills all hope for all the fanboys hahahaha)
I could go on and on im sure.... but ill be done for now...

So far time has been flying past faster than I can comprehend... this is good... it can keep doing that... for a while at least.  I have a feeling this is going to be a long year..... BUT at the end... VICTORY shall me MINE AHAHAHAHA! As long as I keep working towards my goals.

I am a bit nervous I don't really have a plan for the end of my lease yet... its still like 7 months away...So i have plenty of time to save and plot.. mar really sounds like she wants to move to the cities... I think shoving a bunch of nerds into a house sounds like a fabulous idea. :D just gotta make sure they can pay their bills.

Its SOOOOO cold and shitty outside... i need a cigarette. and there is NO guarantee i can buy any... stupid expired ID.... lameness... but I think i will try anyways.... I cant do homework with out the sweet sweet kiss of nicotine flowing through my veins. <3
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