May 12, 2007 22:03
Man, I have a feeling this is gonna be a Tears for Fears summer...
So obviously I am in Honduras now. The house I am currently staying in is pretty much amazing. I will take pictures and link to them once I get some batteries for my camera (should have gotten those sooner...) I am apparently house-sitting the entire time that I am here. This is the time that all the missionaries go home and visit family and hit churches up for money and all that jazz. I don’t really mind. I have online classes that I need to do anyway, and it’s best if I have time to focus on those. Hannah is the little girl that lives here and I have to feed all of her pets. That means two parrots, a parakeet, two rabbits, a big dog, a fish, and a turtle. One of the parrots hates me and the other one loves me. The one that likes me sits on my shoulder while I do homework. It’s surprising that a bird can be as affectionate like a cat. The rabbits like me too.
The IT stuff I am doing is getting more and more exciting. At first I totally hated it, but I think that was because they just kinda threw me in without training or anything. Also, the guy that I am here to help really appreciates the help, so that’s nice. My current project is configuring a Nagios server. That will be pretty cool once it’s done.
I am currently taking three online classes: Life and Teachings of Christ, History of the Cold War, and Microeconomics. It sounds like a lot, and it is, but I think that it will ease up soon. I am trying to do well at getting stuff turned in early so that I can focus on my MANY other projects that I want to do over the summer. I just finished my final(ish) version of my todo list for the summer. It includes all the books I want to read, the table of contents of the ones that are nonfiction, all the assignments for my online classes, and other things. It’s almost 600 lines long. Awesome.
Ok, well, I am going to go to bed now. If anyone wants to be added to the list of people that automatically get emails when I send out stuff specifically about my Honduras trip let me know and I’ll add you to the list. It should be monthly emails, so you know, not a huge deal.
Station planet.