So I haven't posted as often as I should lately, and it's because of school. Dr. Baas substituted in my Computer Architecture class and gave us a super hard assignment. It's in x86 asm (we haven't learned any and it's not in our books) and we had a week to do it. Also, it's really vague. Oh well. I need a break. So I give you this to chew on:
It's Shakespeare week at school here, and there are a number of facts most people don't know about Shakespeare.
He invented a ton of words.
- Fo' shizzle
- Bootylicious
- Moon
- Water
- Jason
- Station
- Transfat
The list goes on. (By the way, you aren't supposed to end sentences with prepositions, so that could be, "On goes the list," but that sounds terrible. English teachers are usually dumb.)
Shakespeare was also a Jack-of-all-trades. Shakespeare pursued all of the following professions:
- Astronaut
- Water Boy
- Dancer (Exotic)
- Magic Clown
- Electrician
- Programmer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Benjamin Franklin
- Lion Trainer
"On goes the list."
Other facts: Shakespeare invented the ScanTron.
Interestingly, Shakespeare was born William ScanTron, but when he began his literary career he changed his name with the thought that it would sound "more better." (sic)
Shakespeare was originally the lead guitarist for the band called 'Van Halen.' Eddie played backup in those days and also the band was called: 'Shakespeare.' Eventually Shakespeare left the band because of tensions about who was the real lead and who the crowd came to see. He had a modestly successful solo career, but as with most solo efforts, the critics saw very little development in his sound after leaving the band.
Shakespeare once played golf with Michael Jordan. Shakespeare lost terribly, but said, "I would gladly play Mr. Jordan again: a movie that he could be in is an idea that I have." Word on the street is that this idea was for Space Jam, but these rumors have never been confirmed.
Although many people believe that Shakespeare invented the transistor, this is technically, literally, and in every other adverb except for false itself, (or it's equivalents, like not) false. He did invent the concept for Singleplexors though, which is a very polarizing concept. Many scientists espouse the singleplexor as the basis for nearly all electronics. But many others disagree, "It's just a wire guys. A WIRE."
I hope this has been educational for all of you. I discovered all this on the back of a Ramen packet after not enough sleep and too much x86.