Break Sum

Jan 04, 2007 01:11

“Will the fight for our sanity be the fight of our lives?”

It’s been one of the best breaks I have ever had. I got my room back! It may not be like it used to be, but at least I can rust in peace right? I got some pretty cool gifts. And a surprising number that were not expected. Really good times with family. And really good times with my pal, Catherine. (pal = girlfriend of more than a year :-P) So I am packing now, and I just figured I would let you all know that life is wonderful.

Also, I didn’t really do anything that I was really supposed to do, like work on TOME or work on AMI or my ruby blog or a number of other things. But I did play a lot of guitar, and I am happy that I did that. So station.
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