The Poppy Legacy 2.0

Jan 04, 2011 13:32

Warning: Weddings, funerals, babies, Star Trek references, excessive ~'s and *'s

By popular demand, I present to you our heir - Sir Sam Snively Poppy!

I rebuilt the Poppy abode to be more suitable for his royal purpleness.

Anytime I post a series of screenies like these, I think of pee wee herman's connect the dots la la la la song. Don't Judge! I am bearing my inner-child to you!

Okay, it's less than purplelicious, but I FREAKING TRIED. Violet is quite possibly my least favorite color.

Leslie scores a sweet flat of her own, which will hopefully prevent her stalker girlfriend from showing up uninvited to use the bathroom at 4 AM. Wee!

Sam: On behalf of myself and of course, my dearest friend Professor Wilson, I bid you a fond farewell!

Wise ol' Molly can see where this shit is headed.

Molly: Hold me darling!

For the few of you who might have wondered what became of Leslie's freakish jump roping obsession, here you go. Behold the christening of a new pad à la Leslie!

Also, behold the glory of our new heir - friendless, jobless, and just slowly inching his way out of aspiration failure!
Sam: Poor widdle ol' meeee...

Being more prone to moping than to friend-making (he has a grand total of two, both of which are teens), I encourage him to try his luck with the blingin' gypsy.

Blingin' Gypsy: What young enterprising boy like yourself wouldn't give hundreds of benjamins for a hottie your father banged before you were born?! Did I mention she has had multiple epic slappy fights with both your mother and sister or that even your cat doesn't like her?
Sam: Gee! Thanks!

Sooooo, off he goes to the birthplace of romance! The sweet land where honest love is forged betwixt mounds of glowing apples partially hydrogenated oils!

~The Grocery Store~

And what, pray tell, does Sam do in this mystical land of opportunity? Why, he crushes on an asylum patient with romantic inclinations of another kind, of course!

Lydia: Whyyyy meeeee?

Needless to say, lady hunt #2 ended in failure.

Meanwhile, Carl and Molly find new ways to express old love. For instance, Bathroom Ballroom dancing!

Also, synchronized miming routines, I think.

Yup, definitely synchronized miming routines.

Why, lookie here! Lady Hunt #3 is in full swing!
Sam: *sexyfailface*

He's a little disheartened at this point. But, hey... like father like son! Seriously, sassy sulking runs in the family.

Suddenly, this little lassie comes in. They have two bolts! Also, she's not a lesbian and hasn't slept with Sam's dad! It's a miracle!

Sam: *works that sheepish grin*

If some dude tickled me at a bar I'd be fucking pissed. Pissed and on fire and possibly worked up into a drunken rage. Thankfully, this is not the case here.

Aw, hell yeah! :D

Aw hell no?
:D / D: ?

This is here as evidence that Felix occasionally escapes from his asylum to pursue a life as some crazy undercover Casanova.

Sam: I am thinking of something ending in ~trois~
Lydia: I am wearing ~stompy boots~. Need I remind you they are called that for a reason?

Not the kind of trois he was thinking of, I reckon.

Three cheers for wining and dining after exhibitionist sexcapades!

Anyhoo, back at the ranch...

Molly: So, I have revised my feelings about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie!
Sam: Oh really?
Carl: Honey? Haven't we talked about this?

Molly: You see, they're not really stripping Hermione of everything that makes her awesome by making her cry and freak out during nearly EVERY onscreen appearance, they're showing she is a sensitive lady! Also, the movie doesn't just rapidly plow through events without any regard to meaningful character development, dialogue, motivations, etc., it is simply attempting to compete with other action-packed blockbusters by ditching all the sissy ~meaningful~ stuff.

Carl and Sam: *express mutual concern and disbelief*

Molly: I would go so far as to say  that it is the best movie adaptation in the Harry Potter series as of yet! I think it's even better than the book!

Carl: I want a divorce!
~end exaggerated reenactment of a conversation I had with my sister's EX-boyfriend this one time~

Dear old Sam and Elsie Bones(the lass from above) seemed to get along rather well, so she was invited over for further shmoozing,

inappropriate wintertime activities,

and mismatched attire dipping dancing.

Sam: How ~romantic~ ! I have a feeling something wonderful is about to happen!

Surprise Craniectomy! Woot Woot! Memories so strong they actually penetrate the brain.

*magical cinematic consummation sequence*

Elsie: Yeesh, my head. What the hell happened last night?

Elsie: You have got to be freaking kidding me...
Sam's Palms: *glow with tension*

Regardless, all the hot-tubbing and romantic brain injuries seemed to help Elsie forget her prior reservations.

And what extra special nerdy awesome wedding would be complete without Data's tribute to archaic musical forms?

I just love old yellow eyes. This is why he gets three pictures, mmkay?

Elsie: *doesn't let her wedding day get in the way of crushing on Carl*
Wise ol' Molly does not see where this shit is headed.

Elsie: *doesn't let anatomy get in the way of puking through her shoulders*

Molly: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!

Ignorance is bliss, especially when you're ignoring a stinky trash heap.

Seeing that she's properly settled in now, I figure it's time for a proper Elsie introduction.
Unfortunately, she's a skankyhorndog romance sim with a burning desire to boink 20 sims by the end of her days. I'm pretty sure she will be causing ample chaos. D:
Neat: 5
Outgoing: 3
Active: 7
Playful: 3
Nice: 7

Carl: *powerballads* (because power ballad should be a verb)

Molly: Damn these burnt omelets! I smite them with my foot!
Foot: *smites awayyyy*

A little reminder that Elsie is still pregnant and Echo still exists.

Suddenly, Sam conjures Oedipal desires in his sleep?

But it's okay, because Molly is such a sexy bitch, she's attracted to herself.


Suddenly, scandal/tragedy struck! (Scandgedy? Tragdal?)
Carl: Molly! How could you? After all these long years! He's so tan, so naked, so headless! WHY?

Then, Carl actually went to go cry in a corner.

In the wake of this sorrowful stuff, something else happens!

Baby girl time!
Since she is the first to be born to generation black, I named her Hel after the being from Norse mythology that presides over the underworld. I thought it would be ~appropriate~.

P.S. If anyone has a guess as to why my grim is naked and headless, do give me a shout. I am 99% positive I have no grim/death related hacks. I guess he's scarier this way, but still...

legacies, poppy legacy

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