I certainly hope you are happy, Zero. Putting the lives of several people in danger for the sake of promises that remain unfulfilled. Promises that I doubt will ever be fulfilled.
Miss Fey is doing a fine job without you. Perhaps you should leave it that way.
It's not just idiocy, it's the recklessness of it that gets me. The underground has been a sheer danger zone, not a meeting ground. We do have a City Hall for things like that. It's south of the island.
Good. Though it might not hurt just to check and make sure.
Upon reading Rosette's post on the message board, it seems the location was intentionally chosen. Zero knew full well the danger involved, yet refused to reconsider.
What the hell was he trying to prove? Although I'm even more surprised people actually gathered down there. His message couldn't have been that important.
I know of at least one person whose only incentive to attend was to point and laugh. At any rate, I agree with you. No message is important enough to put its listeners in danger.
Indeed. Though Zero said that everyone escaped safely, I will take her word over that of a masked fool.
Dammit, that's right. I was going to go to that thing.
You mean to tell me that psycho called everyone underground?
To the best of my understanding, everyone involved escaped safely.
Good. Though it might not hurt just to check and make sure.
Miss Brea has said she will investigate.
So someone's actually looking into it?
Indeed. Though Zero said that everyone escaped safely, I will take her word over that of a masked fool.
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