This is about as melodramatic as it gets...

Feb 24, 2005 07:30

I haven't felt the need to post anything quite as personally boo-hoo in a while, and perhaps it's the result of being back in this crazy land of plenty called USC.

So I'm back. I've been looking forward to coming back since before Christmas last year because the German winter was getting miserable and I just wanted some sunshine and familiarity. But now I'm here and nothing's familiar, it's all this strange dejá vu feeling of, I know this place, I've heard these words before...but it feels all so foreign. Little things like not taking the subway everyday or having someone else bag groceries for me or the English language...It's all kind of overwhelming. Now I've got jet-lag so I can wake up and watch the sunrise in the morning, but managing to stay up for the sunset is a chore. And while there are a few select people I am and have been excited to see, coming back has just made it so evidently clear how very few friends I chose to make. The people I would go out and get drunk with of years past now seem apathetic to my existence, and I guess I kind of am to theirs as well. College is such a depressing place, USC especially. All these people walking around. emptiness on legs. Everyone wanting more for less, the American zeitgeist.

Oh well. The sun is out all day today, I'll be out in the middle of the Quad doing some reading forever until the sun runs away, so stop by and say hi if you care.

And if not, fuck you, I never liked you anyways.
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