Mar 19, 2010 04:20
- 10:54:12: @ etomlef why the change of heart?
- 10:57:00: @ etomlef O_o la la!!!
- 11:03:45: @ etomlef hahahaha. why does it look like a laptop from 1990?!?!?!
- 11:11:34: after day two of sandblasting, it feels like I smoked a pack of cigarettes. not a good sign I imagine.
- 11:18:56: RT @ThatKevinSmith: If you love(d) Carlin, come see him get blown posthumously @ NY Public Library's George Carlin tribute event, March ...
- 11:27:29: I just want multi tasking, maybe the next iPhone. is there rumor of another in June??????
- 11:29:02: @ theneedledrop oh yay I'm excited!!!!
- 12:31:17: RT @macTweeter: Hey guys, Threadless are having another great $10 one day t-shirt sale. Super duper...
- 12:50:08: on the sound of wood frogs croaking in the swamp: "it's a regular orgy down there."
- 12:52:32: @ bxrob uhm, when's your update?
- 13:20:34: @ theneedledrop hey guy, for sake of 140 I'll say I've been good. cooking up a storm lately. I read about ur blogger. can I help?
- 13:46:05: @ theneedledrop hell yeah, I'm familiar w/ wysiwyg progs. like dreamweaver & I make all my own graphics (royalty-free)
- 17:24:26: while picking at some food while driving, I remembered Ive eaten cereal & spagetti while driving too. it made me lol.
- 20:16:28: it was SO nice out today that the thermostat read 68 degrees w/o use of any heat!!!!!!! welcome cheaper gas bills!!!! w00t
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