Jan 06, 2007 18:36
The problem with blogging is that once you have unloaded your stuff to someone else, there just isn't the urge to rewrite everything coherently.
Anyway by the time I do feel like writing too much time has passed and too many things have been done that I don't bother writing. So I don't.
But I will now; simply because I'm bored to shite in office.
So 2006, what have I done
1) Worked my ass off during the election in the first half. Sorta faded away and slacked in the second half, with all the training courses and the sudden rotation in job scope
2) Got engaged
3) Spent most of the year trying to figure what I want to do for the rest of my life, career-wise
4) We got a brand new place to live in, although it will only be ready in 6 months or so.
5) Discovered Battlestar Galactica. OMG
So all was good for 2006.
Drinking is fun, hangovers are not. 2006 was great, 2007 will just be nauseous
I have to juggle
1) Selling my current place
2) Preparing for the wedding
3) Getting reno done for the new place
4) Finding how to pay for all of this with my meagre salary.
And next week I go to the Philippines for work trip and my hotel is situated, get this, between a pig slaughter house and a disco. A fellow worker stayed there previously and said that the disco played music from 11 to 3am. Then from 5am pigs start squealing as they are chopped up for bak chor mee.
Nice. But I'll have season 2 of BSG to watch, so its all good