May 01, 2005 12:20
Like OMG this is the worse week ever. First some ass clown hacks into my live journal and puts up this retarded post that has nothing to do with how sweet my life is. Well I changed my passowrd, its is no longer "Dawsonscreek4E".
Prom was last friday, OMG what a fun time ... untill my date decided to munch on some carpet. It stated off like any normal day in the life of fretterbetters. I woke up and got dressed to some of my fav songs from Brittney Spears, the Village People, Meatloaf, and David Bowe. I went to school and then got home at 1:30. Between the hours of 1:30 and 2:00 I masturbated eight times and waxed my car.
I was so pumped for promer domers. All that music would present me with plenaty of chances to show off some of my mad jiggy fly dance moves. I picked up my date and we all headed to the prom. After dinner was my time to shine. I was cutting a rug on the dance floor while my date was muching on one. I saw a perfect chance for me to do the lawnmower on the dance floor and I pulled it off without a flaw.
After a night of fabolus dancing we all headed back to andy's house where my freshly waxed car was parked. I was really looking forward to showing my date the back seat of my Intreped, but when we arrived my car was covered with egg shells. I was so MAD that I said gosh darnet but as a real swear word. Some major b egged my car and I looked like a poop face infront of my date. So I had to head to post prom with a gross egg covered car.
Post prom is where things got really poopy. I was having so much fun with my date (OMG it was so fun) and then all of a sudden she was hanging out with this other girl. I noticed they kept talking about how much they love tuna and they kept toucking eachother. Well it ends that my date does not come back to broker dokers with me. I was so mad that I pulled out a flask filled with pepsi and drank the entire thing (I am normally not allowed carbonated beverages or sugar). I was a mess.
I woke up the next day with a sugar hangover and a really bad case of cotton mouth. When I got home my DVD of the first season of Dawson's Creek was missing. It turns out my mom and dad mistaked it for a porno and threw it out. This was the worse weekend ever.