Apr 14, 2013 09:45
Gearin up for the flight ta oz - honestly mates, when are they gunna invent teleportation? I love whats at the end of that flight but the flight itself is bloody murder. The only solution is ta ensure Sash and the boys get big enough ta ensure that one day we fly there in our own private jet, ehehehe.
Talkin about big boys, congrats to Mitcho and Dajvey for gettin themselves a family that doesnt have fur (though its got four legs tho dunnit, ahahaha). Serious now mates, wishin ya both the very best.
Not wishin the best ta Turk on account of the fact that that mongrel used up the last of the milo which ruins me Sunday trad of toast and hot milo in front of the cartoons. Bugger.
Talkin bout buggery - Mitch that huge tube of Astroglide ya ordered got delivered. Ya should go inta yer fella of choice like a greased oyster next time yer in the footy change rooms.