Missin Oz, Unexpected Visits, Gimme Shelter, Sayonara Dicko

Mar 08, 2013 21:14

Man Im missin Oz hardcore at the mo. Dunno whether its cuz this winter seems to be draggin or the pics Mrs M keeps sendin on of the beach or what but I got an ache in me bones just to be someplace where I can crack out a pair of shorts and not have em confined to the house. Anyhoo, no use complainin, eh? What cant change must be endured rah rah rah.

Had an unexpected visit durin the week from June, who very kindly brought round a late weddin pressie. Sashy was out at the studio, and seein as I hadnt done the shop yet I didnt have anythin more ta say thanks with but a cuppa, but nice ta have a bit of unplanned company on a Wednesday all the same. Seein as Dicko has taken off on a walkabout and Turks got himself some actual work like every other person I know, Im findin meself at a bit of a loose end bein the only unemployed one. Be better once the weather picks up and I can get inta the great outdoors again.

Still volunteerin at the shelter when they have a need - they got this handsome old cat who we've taken ta callin' Beau on account of how hes quite the gentleman... mates, you shoulda seen this poor cat when he come in. Half starved, sneezin fit ta bust, wouldnt look ya in the eye, cringin away every time ya come near. Well I tell ya, after a coupla weeks in Mother Marys hands he's still a bit shy but if yer patient and let him come ta you he'll come and give ya the most awesome purr you ever heard in an animal. Anyone fancy adoptin? He's eleven, so hes not gunna tear yer place up or anythin, he just needs a cushion to hang out on and a bit of love.
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