Work related bullshit

Sep 29, 2011 00:26

I've been having a really hard time at work lately.
I don't feel like I can do my job effectively, and I have a co-worker who makes it harder for me. Aside from being a general asshole my co-worker tends to contaminate lots of things with flour. Now, I know that I am in a less than ideal situation, but I should be able to do my job. A lot of things I don't have to taste. During service there is very little I have to taste, and so that is fine. It's the prep part of my job that is hard. I have to make sauces, and soups, and taste those things. The veggie base we use at work contains barley, so that is no good. Chicken stock is fine, but I can't use it for everything. Of course if that was the biggest problem I had it would be no problem. Due to my co-worker's lazy stupid habits I don't really feel comfortable tasting things that have pepper, or any number of other seasonings. He makes our flatbread, and generally makes a mess with flour all over the place. Then when he assembles the dry ingredients he put flour in a container, and adds things like black pepper, garlic, etc., mixing each one in with the measuring spoon as he goes. Will I get sick from tasting soups that I make? I don't know, but it is a possibility. I don't want to get sick, and I don't think it should be such a huge problem to begin with. Of course when you have a person who just doesn't give a fuck as long as he gets his shit done, and does as little as possible. I find the measuring spoons he uses to mix things back in the drawer. So now there is flour with all of the things like peelers, measuring cups. You know all of the little tools that you need to cook on a regular basis. At this point I have no idea what to do. I'm doing what I can, and I have no real idea what I am qualified for if I went looking for a new job. Food service is not really where I should be. Part of me wonders if this is an ADA thing, but I don't really know.
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