Jun 22, 2010 16:49
4:34pm and 86.9F in my apartment with the AC on. Actually, this doesn't really bother me that much. When it gets over 90 then it does start to bother me a bit, and I start wondering about what I can do to help keep things a little cooler in here.
I'm a bit pissed off right now. There is a co-worker who I will call Ron, because that is his name and he'll NEVER see this, and even if he did, I don't give a rat's ass. I consistently watch him take spoons from items that contain gluten to get food that doesn't. I guess I should clarify. The family meal on Tuesdays and Thursdays is the lunch buffet leftovers. No big deal, lots of stuff that gets put out there is made with soy sauce, which is a no-no(don't believe me, look at the bottle in your fridge/cabinet), or flour (roux based sauces, etc.) Today I made jambalaya, and rice pilaf. I was actually looking forward to having lunch today. Among the cold food today was a wheat berry and black bean salad that is pretty tasty. Ron took the spoon out of that to get his rice, and jambalaya, and then went into the hot box where the backup stuff was to get more of the jambalaya. I was so pissed off I almost told him that he's the reason I don't get to eat today. Instead I just went home. Why do people have to be so fucking inconsiderate? On the other hand, he wouldn't actually acknowledge me even if I did say something to him, because I won't lower himself to talk to me. He's a Promise Keeper/minister/hypocrite, and I am the heathen that pokes holes in his bullshit! He demands respect and gives none. FUCK YOU!
I had tasso, shrimp, mussels, clams, and all of the other normal jambalaya stuff in there. It was really good. I just can't bring myself to chance getting sick because of some thoughtless asshole.
4:48pm, 87.3F