about time, huh?

Nov 17, 2005 01:15

Here I am at work, all done with nursing chores for the time being.....reminiscing on my youth for a moment....Aly, I never knew 2 could exist who reminded me SO much of you and I...I miss you soo much away in Milwaukee...I wish you could be here to share precious moments, Christmas tree lane, halloween in Tower, rocking out with the kidlets, remember "OOOWAH OOWAH why do fools fall in love?" or "going to the chapel, cuz I'm gonna get married" hehe...The new generation gives me hope that we are getting ever closer to a divine truth, one day we won't have to incarnate anymore. I wonder if you're seeing them more lately. I'm seeing things move everyday that my eyes tell me aren't there...One of these days, I'll see one face to face. Why does the empathy increase with age?? It's so interesting working in postpartum too, it's like without ever seeing these moms again I know which kids will be happy, do well, die soon, etc...I try to send some love with each one that I touch.
heh, what a strange update so far...Well, my love and I are doing well, just what you'd expect from twin souls, getting annoyed at each other, then loving all over again, he really is my twin. I'm so glad he accepted his son, and the part of himself that allows him to be such a sweet loving father. Friday Sat and Sun James, Jason, CInn and I will all be in LOng Beach, for band competition!!! Lakewood HS will be my temp home on Sat while James runs around moving furniture, etc. from Whittier to Riverside, and I'll be cheering Bullard HS on....heh, it's the school that graduated Kevin Federline, UGH, but I love it anyway....my boy, well, my baby, I should say, cuz my boy is 10 and doing well, he's like becoming a junior "emo" which is a term in the '80's which referred to "mods" who listened to New Wave, like Siouxie and The Cure...heh, music doesn't change but the terminology sure does! MY BABY is SO friggin cute!! all of you have to go to my space and look me up as "freswench" to see my baby, I think most of you have me on as a friend anyway! so enough updating, I'm in a strange ethereal mood 2nite....love to all, me
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