Jul 09, 2007 18:37

[music| the videos I'm watchin!]

After seeing Hard Gay for the first time (not sure why I never actually watched anything by him ever, I've known about him for years) in this video that toubou posted a little while back ... I randomly watched some more.
I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time ^^ This clip especially had me in tears and not able to breath I was laughing so hard ... I'm not even entirely sure why I found it quite so funny, but it was great!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Why is he called Hard Gay Razor Ramon? Razor Ramon was a pro wrestler in the WWF or something over here years back~ (@_@;)

Hoooooo! v(^o^)v

EDIT: I have posted 5 times in the last 5 days (O___O) Holy crap! That is madness.

hard gay, random

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