[music| アリス九號. 「alice nine.」 - 闇ニ散ル桜 「Yami ni Chiru Sakura」]
ミ★alice nine. raglan only avaliable to club ALICE Fan Club members.
This shirt was first avaliable at the 2005 X-mas live, after which it could be purchased through the F.C. magazine in 2006.
Brand new, never opened.
☆Starting price is $35USD
(Shipping to Canada/USA should be in the $5-10 range. Other countries will be more expensive. I will determine shipping costs for the winner or if requested)
[picture taken from the club ALICE magazine]
ミ★alice nine. tea
From their latest tour 「Black Jewel, White Rose」
2 different flavours Band Select and Nao's Select
Brand new, never opened.
☆Starting price is $5USD each
(Shipping to Canada/USA should be in the $5-7 range. Other countries will be more expensive. I will determine shipping costs for the winner or if requested)
Items are up for auction until Sunday June 17th at 12pm/noon CDT (
timezone info)
Please reply under the proper parent comment with your bid.
I'm really sorry for not replying to anyone's questions about these auctions, LJ decided to take a crap on me and not let me know when I have recieved comments and then wouldn't let me reply/post most of the time for the last few days. Sorry Everyone!
USD very well concealled cash is the prefered method of payment.
I don't really accept PayPal, but if you are willing to pay the fees I am charged by PayPal (It seems to be around 6% as a base fee and then more again if it is from any country but Canada/USA) I can work through PayPal.
Thank you everyone! And sorry for any trouble゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆