[music| LM.C - little Fat Man boy]
My fun new contacts arrived on Tuesday <333 They were supposed to be here by my birthday, but oh well ... better late than never!!!
The outfit ~
Wolfish Love ~ Darcia inspi'
This pic is pure smex <333 hahaha
Bad news is ... that my eye is messed up after wearing the lense for 5hrs ( ̄~ ̄)ξ
It made my vision from that eye kind of blurry from the start, but I hoped it would go away, and I was late for class at 9, and had class till 3 ... but had to leave after an hour of my 12-3 class as my eye was really starting to bug me ... so came back to my room and took it out ... and my eye felt even more irritated after removing the lense ... suckiness! So I took a nap, hoping that resting my eye would help it, but it is pretty much still just as bad ...it is kind of itchy and irritating as hell ... I really hope I didn't mess my eye up *is a little worried* (´┏_┓`) But I know I've had my eye feel like this before and it is fine the next day, but that hasn't been with contacts.
Makes me so sad ... I've been wanting these contacts since grade 9 ... and now, almost 10 years later I finally get them, and they mess up my eye 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。 FRIG! Oh well, after my eye is better I will try wearing the one again in a couple weeks and see what happens then.
Also they fit the same way around my pupil as my violet ones, so you can see my iris colour through the center of the lense >__> crapola .. guess I'm not going to be getting the other pair I really wanted ... at least not for a long while *sulks in the corner*
Now I'm off to bed and will pray that my eye is magically better. If it isn't better tomorrow, it will be a good excuse for me to buy an eyepatch (^O^)v
[EDIT:] Thankfully today my eye is pretty much back to normal *huge sigh of relief*