nostalgic &
[music| alice nine. - Yami ni Chiru Sakura]
☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆
So on the 3rd it was officially 1 year since I had the random luck and good fortune to have alice nine. and gazette drop into my life ... and through them the rest of the jrock world. I still don't remember exactly how I found them, but I somehow stumbled across the "Public Eyes -- Jrock-Jindie scan website" and right now the link I have to it won't work at all 。゚(T^T)゚。 I hope it is still up, it was a good site.
Anyway, after seeing pictures of the 2 bands I was imediately drawn to them both ... they looked incredible! So I decided that I had to see what kind of music they made ... and since I didn't know about LJ comms or anything at the time I went had to use Limewire to try to get some of their music @_@;; I got a couple alice nine. songs, and several Gazette songs ... at first Gazette was a little heavier than I really like to listen to, but something about them just caused me to keep wanting to listen o(^-^)o as for alice nine., I only found like, 2 songs ...
Yami ni Chiru Sakura being the first one I ever listened to .. and the first PV of theirs that I ever saw ... so this song is very close to my heart for these reasons, and it is still one of my fave songs that they do, it is a fantastic song!!!
I can't remember my first Gazette song sadly ... but Reila was one of the first PVs and the Judgement Day live DVD footage followed soon after.
♪(^ ・^)ノ⌒☆
I thought about how glad I am that alice nine. and gazette have come into my life quite a lot over the past few days, and how much more complete I feel now ... they were the missing link in my life that just wrapped up all my likes and interests and put it in one neat little package. It has been a year, and my love and admirration for these 2 bands just continues to grow stronger and stronger. It is a beautiful thing <3 And I am ever so thankful for it.
Also the end of September marked the end of my first year at LJ ... I must thank
sefeiren &
chibik3r0 for getting me onto LJ ... I joined for a project thing
sefeiren was trying to get going with some people and then
chibik3r0 asked me why I wasn't on LJ, I said I had an account but didn't use it ... lol ... right after that convo, I went and made my first post o(〃^▽^〃)o I am so glad I did, because I have met so many great people, and found so much access to jrock stuff that I never would have had otherwise ... so I am also very thankful for LJ coming into my life as well, at basically the same time as jrock did last year.
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