10 things that bring me joy

Dec 01, 2005 22:36

List 10 things that bring you joy, and tag 6 other people to do the same.

In no particular order...
1) Writing a new song or story.
2) Making a great pun that makes people laugh.
3) Making my cat purr.
4) Watching my wife asleep.
5) Hearing my son or daughter say or do something unusually wise.
6) Watching my kids choose to do what's right when they could have chosen what's easy.
7) I love feeling accepted by God and trusted by my friends.
8) Counseling people and seeing things get better when they follow my advice.
9) Eating Spaghetti and meatballs by candle light with my family.
10) Realizing a passage of scripture I'm reading perfectly answers something I've been stewing over.
11) Being asked for my opinion by someone I respect.
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