Okay, I give in...

Feb 24, 2006 18:15

I don’t normally do fic rec posts. Mainly because other people do them for me and I like it that way. It's all good fic and smooth sailing and other metaphors.

However, in between manically getting stuff done around the house (well, general stuff. You know, rolling over 401ks from 2 years ago stuff.), I've been reading fic.

I tend to go through cycles where I don’t read fic. Generally known as, I have so much to do, sob. I’ll read fic later.

So, yes, I’ve recently become a Supernatural fan. I mean, there’s pretty boys and their snark and their weird outfits (I their trunk must be full of costumes) and their Metallicar. There’s sort of an arc plot, but nothing so arcy that you can’t just jump in and out. I’m just glad it’s happened. I was getting so ennui with my old fandoms. Where has the love gone. Oh, yes, Lana sat on it and Galactica is brilliantly making me depressed and sure I love the Atlantis, but…it’s like the cycle of fandom. One fandom interest fades, so another can take it’s place.

Anyway, here’s some stories I’ve been reading. Here’s a list, so you don’t have to dig like I have. Well, okay, it's so I can go back and find them later. Because I'm like that.

Strangers and Angels - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2748108/1/ - WIP and nothing much has happened yet, but it has a nice feel. Very contemplative. Dean and Sam dead on voice and ummm... given the introductory idea that it pays to be kind to strangers, because they might be angels in disguise, and the premise of the show, um...yeah, okay, I can see where this might be headed.

Vocabulary - http://www.fanfiction.net/u/304517/ - Sam is 16 and has an English assignment. A bittersweet snapshot of childhood interrupted.

Grass Don’t Grow - http://community.livejournal.com/supernaturalfic/37602.html#cutid1 - lovely short episode. There's banter and evil and more banter, "The walk to the plot was mercifully short, merciful because he wasn’t sure if he could have taken Dean’s recitation of the hunter’s equivalent of the ABCs much longer. He wouldn’t snap. He was calm and serene. He was a rock. He was mentally listing twenty horrible things that could happen to Dean’s coat."

20 Questions - And this other lithium doll story http://community.livejournal.com/supernaturalfic/22224.html - Bascially, Dean is just trying to annoy/take care of his little brother. Because really, who doesn’t have a secret involving Lincoln and a bread box. Plus a Buffy reference.

Collateral Damage by crumpeteer http://community.livejournal.com/supernaturalfic/21810.html - cute after fight vignette

Exit Music by vegarin - http://community.livejournal.com/supernaturalfic/23508.html - A lovely montage of the boys growing older and farther away.

Gunslinger by lessien - http://community.livejournal.com/supernaturalfic/30939.html - Adorable on the road.

Tricks and Treats http://stone-princess.livejournal.com/398215.html - some drabbles. Mmmm...metallicar

Patient Heal thyself - http://serenfics.livejournal.com/19187.html?style=mine#cutid1 - Okay, so Supernatural is opposite House, which is annoying because I love them both. For different reasons, true, but the serious like is there. Anyway, little ficlette that crosses them. My only complaint is it could have been longer.

Totally Brothers - http://thete1.livejournal.com/548540.html#cutid1 - Yay, Te is writting Supernatural fic. It’s angsty and tasty. Basically a series of vignettes between adventures as Dean unravels.

fic recs

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