MLK weekend. Time to reflect on giving. Action for social justice.
The last weekend before a man I wouldn't want to be alone in a room with, much less have as a president of the USA, will assume the highest office in my country.
Thus far my direct action in response has been not quite what I was thinking a month ago. Two months ago. I think it's still evolving.
This by the way isn't meant as a look at me and my social action. But rather than posts urging other people to do things, I want to commit (at the very least on a weekend celebrating a man who worked tirelessly for civil rights) to periodically write down what I'm doing.
I will be attending one of the Women's marches next weekend. Either in San Francisco or San Jose. Mom wants to march with me. While I realize the organizers have not been as transparent or as inclusive of racial diversity as I'd like, and claim this isn't a protest march (a ridiculous claim), that doesn't mitigate what I will be marching for: women, people with disabilities, racial justice, civil liberties, pro-choice, LGBTQIA, immigrants, Muslims & freedom of religion, health care, and oh, this little thing called our planet. If that can fit all on a sign, great. I've become a monthly donor to:
Planned Parenthood - They were my sole source of health care for the three years that I had no health insurance and provided free (based on my income at the time) screenings and exams. Republicans talk a big game about "Pro-Life", but are unwilling to fund the programs that support women's health, family planning, pre-natal care, education, etc. type programs. It was time to give back in a more concrete and regular way to a resource that is critical to so many. American Civil Liberties Union & Southern Poverty Law Center - I don't even know where to begin what the both the president and his possible Sec of State ties to a dictator in Russia, climate change denier EPA head, inviting vaccine deniers to talk about debunked theories that will destroy our herd immunity if followed, belief that sexual assault is just A-OK for famous people, that people of color are variously criminals in slums, attacking US core principles freedom of the press and freedom of religion… look I'm not made of money, but I can give to two organizations that have a track record of fighting in the courts for values that are what actually make America great. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe -
Because water is life. I have been conscious of saving water and treating water respectfully my entire life. My Republican father has only himself to blame for all those trips to the desert. Plus, California's tendency to prolonged droughts. Oh, growing up along a coast with tar in the water from off-shore drilling in So. Cal. It's not a question of if, but when and how bad the spill will be once the pipeline is built. I was already giving to the UULMCA, which has one of its focuses on water rights. However, the Standing Rock struggle is at this point, emblematic of water rights, human rights, our charge to care for our world and our fellow human beings. can also get them some firewood for the protesters here: In that area, I called this number 202-761-8700 (Exec Office Army Core of Engineers) Monday to request that the Army Core of Engineers log its intent to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement of the Dakota Access Pipeline. I asked for a written response (per the recommendations on the website, which means they have to log and count the call.
You can also call Omaha District Public Affairs: 402.995.2417
Signed up for the daily text alerts described in this article:'s been a bit mixed so far. Since I am from California, my reps are already fighting for what I want. But it directly connects you to the relevant Rep's phone number. At least once now, it was useful for calling a rep on a specific review board rather than someone from California.
I'm still looking into an organization that I can volunteer with that makes sense for my schedule.
Through here: filled out the survey for Campaign Zero, which is an organization focusing on racial/social justice. We'll see if there's something useful for me to do. There was an option for policy review that is right up my skill set. Mind you, I didn't go to the Jan 12 I had initially planned. I'll just have to keep tracking these things and nudge myself into more action. But by the time I left work, it was already well under way.
For those in the bay area, here's some of the links I got from a friend, that I've also been eyeing: However, I none of them have quite worked yet with what hours/etc. I have to give. We'll see.
For solstice, I attended a ceremony for what we were letting go of and what we might take up. There are so many things under threat with Trump's assumption of power. We talked about that frantic desire to protect all the things, which isn't possible. But perhaps if we are in community, digital or remote, then perhaps it becomes part of an interconnected web (sorry, but I am UU) of support.
So, that's what this is. We'll see if I just keep posting the same thing over and over, or if I have something new to say in upcoming months.