Nov 09, 2016 05:48
What to think.
I voted. I did my part. I talked with solidly red relatives about all the dangers of Trump. Not that they listened, clearly. I donated what I could spare, which wasn't much given the whole job change/out of work for several months.
I live in California. It was always going to go Blue. Is an example of how liberalism can result in a robust economy and safety nets. But the rest of my country, because this is my country. Mine. I don't want make jokes about moving to Canada or New Zealand. I want... well, apparently not what the rest of my country wants, which was to flip the table. Not caring I guess enough to inform themselves that those jobs aren't coming back. They're done by robots. Mechanization. So, when Trump can't bring them back the natural course of action will be to'll... I...
I started to list the things that will now pass away, but I can't. I could barely sleep last night. I played pod fiction, but how could it hold my attention enough to drift into sleep?
And the knowledge that this has three more months before the actual ax falls on all our necks. Like a hurricane from which there is no safe harbor.
I got together with friends last night, which I was glad of. We would switch between campaign coverage to watching Better Off Ted. We'd tried some of the comedians, but all their coverage was around the election and it just was too... We took comfort in each other.
Yet, two of my friends' little girl wanted to know if the bad man had been defeated, and I don't even know how they, we, any of us... wow America. Just wow. I feared that this was the way you'd go. Listing for my father all of the things about Trump and having him tell me that he was really voting about strict constructional ism in the Supreme Court, which just... I suppose it's like his fundamental Christianity. He's selectively fundamental, because Freedom of Religion and Freedom of the Press are...
I had hoped, so much hope for this morning. I thought today would be the day I could start writing my yuletide. I write hopeful stories. I wrote a hopeful story for my birthday. To read that this election had the lowest turnout since 2000 and think...
I don't know. Breathes deeply. Considers the dishes I've already washed when I gave up on sleeping. Breathes deeply. There's no good end to this post. So I shall end like so...