Merlin 3x04

Oct 04, 2010 22:34

Yes, I finally finally finally got around to watching the latest Merlin ep.

I adore Gwaine. Like, A LOT. Like, MORE THAN IS SANE. The flower, you guys. The flower. I might possibly be interested in some Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine. Maybe. Possibly. Cause, you know, they had to do something between the talk in the hall and sunset. :P

I also swooned quite a lot at all the quality M/A time, and Merlin being such an obvious Arthur fanboy.

And next week's preview? Looks pretty freaking epic. (I am mentally preparing myself for the Evil Smirks. Bring it on, Morgana. Bring. it. on.)

(Also, notice Gwen got a new pretty dress for all of five seconds. Note to Merlin writers/producers/who-the-fuck-ever: New dress =/= quality screen time. Please to be returning our Gwen to us now.)

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merlin, fangirling

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