Even with Instant Queue, there's nothing on tv...

Apr 29, 2010 23:12

Started to watch a low-budget version of Sherlock Holmes with Gareth David-Lloyd as Watson, but his Holmes' acting was so over the top and melodramatic that I had to stop. Which is sad, because look at his little mustache. XD Not to mention THE SUIT. My lord, can that man wear a suit... *needs a GDL icon*

Finally just watched the Doctor Who episode with Ten's daughter, Jenny. I wish they'd bring her back; I like her quite a bit.

Work. God. It was hell, then M got a migraine and threw up so I stayed late to help her clean and tomorrow may very well be EVEN WORSE. But that's okay because Saturday is the Start of the Season Staff Meeting/Pizza Party/Tie-Dye Party. Which should be fun and stuff. And now, BED.

ETA: I've been thinking about this book I read YEARS ago, but I can't remember the title, so I figured I'd ask my flist if it sounds familiar: It's about a hermaphrodite (and I'll let you know now, I'm not sure on the correct pronoun and apologise now for any incorrectness or offence) who is either raised or educated in a convent. While there, s/he gets involved with witchcraft and demons. I remember there was a black cat whose ears had been cut off because he(?) was a witch's familiar; the ghost of a priest who had an affair with one of his students, the daughter of a wealthy man or aristocrat, who became an incubus after his death; and a succubus who, in life, may have actually been the priest's lover/student. I remember the main character fell in love with one of her (I think s/he identified as female throughout) classmates, a girl who was her best friend. But when s/he tried to kiss her (or further take it further than that, maybe?) the girl freaked out.

I honestly can't even remember if the book was that good, but if it sounds in any way familiar, could you let me know a title or author? I'd appreciate it!

book, work, gareth david-lloyd and his suits, fangirling

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