This one's from aramis-chan.

Apr 24, 2010 22:23

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/comic books/literary works/TV shows and put their summaries from Better than it Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.

1. Japanese teenagers go on a field trip, discuss their favorite rock-and-roll songs, and violently murder one another. Battle Royale
2. Teenaged girl narrates how her father narrates how his mentor narrates a search for Dracula's grave, while trying to outwit a group of evil communists who want to turn Stalin into a vampire. The Historian
3. Woman cheats on husband, ruins her life.
4. A swordsman with internal parasites gets hired by a plucky orphan to kill "bad people." Blade of the Immortal
5. Boy falls in love with a girl whose artificial body and overprotective sister ensure that they can never have sex. Chobits
6. A boy and his butler solve murders and sometimes commit them. Sometimes there are zombies and often there is incest. Count Cain (Godchild)
7. A schoolgirl avoids living in a tent by moving in with an incestuous family with intimacy issues. Not a porno. Fruits Basket
8. An 18 year old is forced to live with his brother's perverted author of a best friend. 18 year old is creeped out for 5 seconds.
9. Three boys improve the school's morale by crossdressing. Princess Princess
10. Overdeveloped girls in underdeveloped uniforms live vicariously through past-life regression. Sailor Moon
11. Bisexual, sociopathic veterinarian/assassin with a floral theme makes a bet with a fashion-challenged uke, wins, and kills the uke's sister. It takes place to an 80's soundtrack. Tokyo Babylon
12. A recovering addict, a neurotic in denial, and a woman with serious confidence issues share a house in Bristol. Being Human
13. Exaggerated right-wing pundit reinterprets the English language, itemises things that are dead to him and attempts to alert America to the increasing threat posed by bears.
14. Everything you know about life is wrong, and these two guys are going to tell you why. Bombastically.
15. A bumbling manservant uses non-specified superpowers to protect his unwitting and unappreciative master while taking advice from a dragon that basically speaks in subtext (and ships them). Corny CGI ensues. Merlin
16. Two gorgeous brothers with major-league Daddy issues seek out monsters and kill them in various nasty ways, using things as diverse as salt-filled shotgun shells, barbed wire, and circular saws. Lots of sex is had along the way. A really great car and lots of eighties rock, apocalypses, and angst are also involved. The world really really sucks, but it's funny anyway. SPN
17. A callow orphan joins a princess leading a resistance against an evil empire. They're joined by a rougish pilot/pirate and his tall, furry partner. A guy in full, black body armor gets in the way a lot. There's twins and daddy issues, but no R 2 D 2. FFXII
18. Twenty-something Muppets search for a purpose in life and extol the virtues of porn while living in a building run by a short black man played by a woman. Avenue Q
19. A French man destroys a utopian English government.
20. Drunk refuses to have sex with his wife because he blames her for turning his best friend gay by having sex with him.


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