(no subject)

Apr 09, 2010 20:42

Somehow, I ended up with a paid account on DW. Like, NO IDEA where it came from. Which, awesome, 100 icons! But I'm still not ready to leave my LJ, and not just due to the fact that I've still got another six months' paid time. I'm honestly just not as bothered by LJ's most recent fail as everyone else seems to be. Or maybe I'm just more understanding? Idk, whatever. Either way, it's not pushing me one step closer to leaving the site. *snuggles my Livejournal*

However, since I am playing around more on DW *pets new icon space*, I figure I ought to at least do a post. (Cross-posting is still posting.)

It is cold out! Yesterday, it snowed pretty hard, completely out of nowhere, and we got another burst of it today, literally out of nowhere, since the sun was shining all day up to that point, and then came back out after about twenty minutes of snow. Freaking weird weather... If there's snow on my birthday, I'm going to be seriously annoyed.

Re-watching some Merlin, because, you know. Merlin. I think I actually prefer Arthur's half-undone shirt from S1 to the blatant fanservice of S2. I'm hoping S3 will manage even a quarter of the awesome of the first two. (The first series making up for all of the fail of the second.) And does anyone else find it ironic that Hunith never spoke of Merlin's father because she feared it was too dangerous for him, but she sent him right into Uther's freaking house?

I'll be working my next day off. Sort of. I'm going to a wine sampling that my boss was supposed to go to. But since she's pregnant... It would be kind of awesome, if I weren't a complete wimp when it comes to wine. It hits me faster and harder than any other alcohol I've tried! So, I may very well end up sleeping off Tuesday morning all of Tuesday afternoon. :D Could be fun!

Still waiting to move into our apartment, entirely. Turns out Former-neighbour Josh removed the pipes from the bathroom sink and threw them out. So, we have to replace them. I'm getting so sick of finding all these little things that make the apartment uninhabitable.

work, apartment, merlin

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