MORE memes

Mar 10, 2010 16:44

I have no voice, so here are some memes:
First, the Computer Voyeur Meme from auroraprimavera:

01 » Stop what you're doing. Print Screen.
02 » Print screen your current desktop.
03 » If you have Photoshop open, print screen.
04 » If you have a music player open, print screen.
05 » Pick a folder, open it, print screen.

01 » Stop what you're doing. Print Screen.

02 » Print screen your current desktop.

03 » If you have Photoshop open, print screen.

04 » If you have a music player open, print screen.

05 » Pick a folder, open it, print screen.

And, from i-claudia:

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Put iTunes or equivalent media player on random.
3. For each song that plays, write something related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song: no planning beforehand: you start when it starts, and no lingering afterward; once the song is over, you stop writing. (No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance!)
4. Do 5 of these, then post.
(A word of warning: None of these are very happy, none are edited, and all of them are written through a haze of cold meds.)

1. If I Ruled The World (Jamie Cullum)
If I ruled the world,
Every man would be as free as a bird.
Every voice would be a voice to be heard,
take my word we would treasure each day that occurred.

Six months on, and he was still watching for her, standing at the battlements, overlooking one or another of the gates into the city. The ones he couldn't watch, he had set his knights on. (Or Merlin, who still cringed in guilt at her name.)

He wondered if she was safe, if she was happy. He knew that, if she could have come home, she would have. Wouldn't she? Memories of arguments with his father rose unbidden to his mind. He remembered letting her out of the prison, after arguing with his father all night over it. He remembered the icy, impotent rage in her eyes, those last weeks.

If she would just come home, he told himself, it would be different.

2. Haunted (Poe)
And I'm haunted
By the lives that I have loved
And actions I have hated
Inside my haunted head

He still fought his father's shadow, even a year after the old king's death. The laws had been changed - not overturned, not fully - now allowing magic of a helpful nature, magic that did no one any harm. But still, the shades of the executed lingered in the courtyard, in the hallways. So loud in their clamouring for justice that he couldn't sleep, some nights. So he sat up, staring at papers and ancient precedents and outdated laws and loopholes til his eyes blurred and Merlin pushed him into bed.

3. Night Surgeon (Anthony Head)
I remember every dying whisper,
Every desperate murmur.

He stepped into his son's nursery late that night, after hours tossing and turning. Arthur slept peacefully, mouth parted, drooling contentedly onto his sheets. He stirred briefly when Uther lifted him up, but didn't wake. He pressed his face to the warm baby skin and focused on his son's breathing, drowning out the echoes of the screams, the smell of burning flesh. He fell asleep in the window seat, Arthur clutched to his chest.

4. Chase the Morning (Sarah Brightman, Alexa Vega)
Don't look back
Till you're free to chase the morning.

He didn't know why he did it, except that there hadn't been enough reason not to. After weeks - months? - of sneaking out of Camelot, meeting Merlin, learning more about The Outside than he'd dared dream of, opening the gates for Nimueh had seemed like nothing. Maybe it was the way she watched him, awed, like she was seeing something miraculous. And, of course, there was the memory of his mother, Igraine's music, her song, hanging between them.

5. Here With Me (Dido)
I don't want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been

Some days, back before he'd found Gwen and Morgana and Merlin, back after he'd accepted he wasn't mad, but was still very much alone - sometimes, back in those days, he would wake slowly, reluctantly, from a dream of pale skin and dark hair, of bright smiles and flashing eyes. He would lie, staring at his ceiling, and wonder why and how and where, until his brain was so tired of chasing itself in circles, that he was forced to get up, to find drab old William Penn under all the memories of Arthur Pendragon. He would try to ignore the emptiness clawing its way through his gut as he dressed and readied himself for another endless day of watching strangers' faces for any glimmer of recognition, any hint of the old magic.

meme, fic preview

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