Long day

Jan 14, 2010 17:31

I'm sure you all recall me whining about Creepy Larry - it happens often enough. Anyhow, evidently my boss is looking for a reason to kick him out or ban him. Today he actually started yelling at me and C. Not angry-yelling, but excited, riled up-yelling. Either way, though, it kind of freaked us both out.

Had to walk home in the rain, but now I'm in my warm flannel penguin pyjamas, watching Will play Bayonetta (LAME game, btw). Feeling too lazy for a real post, so instead, I give you a Post o' Pimpage:

merlin_benders - The wonderful eos_rose has formed a community for all Merlin gender-bending! mrs_leary has already posted, in addition to some others. Come check it out!

Greensleeves by rotrude
Summary: Darkish Tudor AU where Merlin is a little bit of an Anne Boleyn, Arthur is a very sane version of Henry VIII and magic vaguely resembles Protestantism. In a Tudor-like court betrayal reigns supreme and plots are hatched.
The whole reason for the Anne Boleyn icon. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that there is now a Tudors!AU for Merlin. And since it's rotrude, you KNOW the story will be beautifully crafted and breathtakingly written!

Join kinkelot! A monthly kink-themed challenge community.

Finally, because everyone can use a laugh:
ψ The Bad!Fic Meme ψ
Because we all need to let loose every once in a while

work, fic rec, pimpage, fandom

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