
Oct 07, 2009 13:21

A book meme, stolen from riyirowe:
1. Pick 10 of your favorite books or series'.
2. Post the first sentence of each book. (If one sentence seems too short, post two or three!)
3. Let everyone try to guess the titles and authors of your books.
Note: since a LOT of my books are actually in boxes still, these are just ten books I own that happen to be ( Read more... )

book, meme

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riyirowe October 8 2009, 08:12:59 UTC
So, I recognized the Mists of Avalon, but I don't know if I would have known it. I probably would have recognized Middlesex, simply because you raved about it once. The rest of them I really don't know. Unless...is 1 Speak? By somebody Anderson? I have a feeling it isn't, but it makes me think of it, and it has been so long since I read that book I wouldn't know ( ... )


fresica October 8 2009, 12:11:07 UTC
It is so hard for me to watch because every episode I keep expecting them to just be unable to handle it anymore and shatter into tiny little pieces!
AHAHA! Uhm, yeah, about that... :P The poor boys do kind of get put through the ringer, don't they? I think any sane human being would have broken. (I guess it's lucky that you can't really qualify these two as 'sane' in the strictest sense.) But I have to say, I love Chuck! XD

(PS: Feel free to geek out about SPN here ANY TIME YOU WANT. I am more than willing to join flails and/or entertain rants. :D)


riyirowe October 8 2009, 18:22:30 UTC
Yay for communal flailing and ranting! And (referencing your icon) I can sometimes see the Cas/Dean, but at heart I will always be a Sam/Dean OTP...as wrong as it is I just can't help myself. Even when they are falling apart, lying to each other, and not trusting each other.

Though that was one of the other things that I really liked about the episode with Chuck. You get to see a bit more of Sam's motivation. At least, what he is trying to convince himself is his motivation. He is trying to be the strong one for Dean. Trying to shoulder the burden so Dean doesn't have to. *sighs* My heart breaks for them.


riyirowe October 8 2009, 18:25:31 UTC
Also, I just realized that I said I watched Jump the Shark, but I didn't actually talk about that episode, I talked about the one before it. And I can't think of the title of that ep. But Jump the Shark was good, too! With Adam, and Sam being all John-like. It was interesting character stuffs. And sad, because they had a brother they never knew about but he was already dead!


fresica October 8 2009, 23:39:12 UTC
I knew which you meant, though! lol (Monster At The End Of The Book, I think, was the title - like the Grover book! I could look it up, but I'm lazy. :P)

The Jump the Shark ep is actually rather clever of the writers! If you look up the ep on the SPN fanwiki, it gives all these examples of how Team Kripke snuck in references and allusions to classic tv and sort of mocked themselves in the process. (It just makes me love them that much more! XD)


fresica October 8 2009, 23:35:54 UTC
See, I'm the exact opposite. lol I can see the Dean/Sam, sometimes (as in, once in a VERY GREAT WHILE), but I'm a Dean/Cas girl. :D (By which, I mean I'm a Dean!girl and a Cas!girl, so the two of them together is like my own personal fangirl heaven. lol)

I liked that aspect of the Chuck ep, as well. Season four really focused so much on Dean, Sam ended up going a bit one-dimensional in parts. So it was great to see more depth to his character again.


riyirowe October 9 2009, 03:32:52 UTC
I know! OneDimensional!Sam is BAD! And see, I am very much a Sam!boy. Seriously, have you seen his hands! I remember watching the ep with Madison the Werewolf and his hand covers almost her entire back, and I was just like guh! Yeah...one of the only celebrity crushes I have is for Jared Padalecki/Sam Winchester.

But it is more than his hands, too. Especially at the beginning, he is such a giant woobie (I don't think I've heard/used that term since I was in the CSI fandom, wow)! I am always a sucker for inexplicable powers. And the nice boys who have horrible things happening to them. Not that Dean isn't a nice boy, but you don't get that at first. It takes a while for us, the viewers, to really see Dean, and who he really is. And Sam used to have a tendency to wear his heart on his sleeve. Not anymore though...damn Mystery Spot and damn Lilith. Though Azazel had his part in it, too, for killing him, which forced Dean to make a deal. Damn Yellow Eyed Demon. (But of course, then there wouldn't be a show, lol)


fresica October 9 2009, 03:52:25 UTC
Sam attracts way too many demons to remain that innocent for long, sadly.

I have actually caught myself noticing Jared's shoulders in recent eps. Seriously, the man is BUILT - there's no denying that. I don't notice his hands so much as his shoulders and forearms, personally, but still - 'guh' is right! (Though, really, Jensen is nothing to scoff at. XD) I'm more drawn to Dean's snark than Sam's sweetness, tbh. I can't get enough of his smart mouth! (And I mean that in all ways... :P) Also, his scruff. (I have a thing for scruffy guys, apparently, because it's the same with Cas! YUM!)


riyirowe October 9 2009, 06:36:00 UTC
lol, yes, Jared is built. And I definitely see the attraction of Dean, yes, yes I do...there would definitely not be any "no"s going Dean/Jensen's way. ;D They are both way to hot for their own good. It isn't fair. Not even a little...though they do make very good eye candy, so I guess that is some consolation prize. But would it hurt for some of that to have come my way?

Sam very much is a demon magnet...they stripped all the innocence away from him, and he hasn't figured out what is left, and there isn't anyone to help him either. Dean was in hell, and everyone else he had turned to in the past had died. The only one left was Bobby, and I can see him subconsciously thinking that it would be better to stay away.

Btw, what the hell ever happened to Ellen and Jo? I mean they kinda just dropped off the face of the earth after season two. They were both alive last I knew, but they aren't even mentioned after ABHL part 2.


riyirowe October 9 2009, 06:52:05 UTC
thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point before the end Ellen comes back for an episode...and if she does she will probably die. I also have a feeling that Bobby is going to die.

*remembers that you are multiple episodes ahead of him*

Don't say anything spoiler-ish!


fresica October 9 2009, 12:30:30 UTC


fresica October 9 2009, 12:27:58 UTC
But would it hurt for some of that to have come my way?
No freaking kidding! Ah well, I suppose that the whole 'married' thing means they'd be eye candy either way, for me... :P But what wonderful eye candy they are!

I think that Dean is closer to Bobby than Sam is. I mean, they both love him, and he loves them, but maybe Sam feels like he can't turn to Bobby without Dean there, or something. The only strictly Sam-Bobby interactions I've seen have always felt a bit stilted, on Sam's side. Also, by the time Dean was in hell, Ruby had already gotten to Sam; I'm sure she didn't do much to encourage him to seek out the company of other hunters or especially Bobby, who never made a secret of how much he hated her.

I love Ellen, so much! (And Jo was also awesome, before they screwed her up. I wish they hadn't done that - she went from being kickass in a normal, human way, to being kind of useless.)


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