(no subject)

Jul 24, 2009 21:27

(You know, Rob, you could have told me you were going to bring this over from FB... :P)

One of the questions regards the Unforgivables, and which one is your favourite. I picked Cruciatus, and as per riyirowe's request, whom I got this from (twice), here's my explanation for why: Because I am a vindictive bitch of a woman. And I dare any woman (or man, for that matter, but we girls tend to be more vindictive in our wrath) to deny that there hasn't been an instance or two where you wish you could make someone suffer, whether for something they've done to you or someone you love. I won't pretend that it's a very nice or attractive reason, but it's the truth.

Also, this thing is chock full of spoilers, so if you don't know what happens in the HP books and don't want to know, don't click the cut. ^^

All time favorite character?
Sirius Black! I've loved him from the very beginning, and I continue to adore him. (I love all the Marauders, but Sirius will always be my favourite.)

List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Prisoner of Azkaban
2. Order of the Phoenix
3. Goblet of Fire
4. Half Blood Prince
5. Sorcerer's Stone
6. Chamber of Secrets
7. Deathly Hallows

List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Half Blood Prince
2. Prisoner of Azkaban
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Chamber of Secrets
5. Sorcerer's Stone
6. Goblet of Fire

Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
When Harry meets Sirius for the first time and the whole thing with Wormtail and Harry's parents is explained.

Top 5 favorite characters? (In no order)
1. Sirius Black
2. Remus Lupin
3. Draco Malfoy
4. Severus Snape
5. Narcissa Malfoy

Five least favorite characters? (In no order)
1. Ron Weasley
2. Ginny Weasley
3. Cho Chang
4. Peter Pettigrew
5. Horace Slughorn

Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
Harry - what can I say? I love the angst. ;D

Favorite family?
The Blacks! All that madness and history and darkness. It's a lovely thing.

Favorite antagonist?

Favorite Death Eater?
Bellatrix Lestrange

Three favorite spells?
1. accio
2. patronus
3. apparation

Three favorite potions?
1. felix felicis
2. veritaserum
3. pepperup

Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
The Leaky Cauldron. I suppose.

Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Flourish & Blotts

Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Goats Head Pub

Favorite Unforgivable Curse?

Favorite mode of wizard transportation?

Favorite Weasley?
Fred & George (They're so one person, shut up.)

Favorite Order Member?

Favorite DA Member?

Favorite pet?

Favorite Hogwarts room?
Chamber of Secrets

Favorite Hogwarts Professor?

Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?

Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
Cedric Diggory

Favorite House Elf?

Favorite Wizard sweet?
Cauldron cakes? I guess...

General Opinions

Biggest surprise of the series?
Sirius' death. I didn't see that coming AT ALL. And then I spent the rest of the book convinced it was some stupid joke and he wasn't really dead.

Biggest letdown of the series?
That whole disgrace of an Epilogue. From Harry and Ginny's nauseatingly oedipal happily ever after to Draco's RECEDING HAIRLINE.

One character you wish lived?

Moment that will always make you cry?
Sirius' death, Remus' death, Cedric's death, HARRY'S death... (This is kind of a depressing list...)

Your Patronus would be___?
A cat? Maybe? (I know that I've done dozens of those online quizzes, I just don't remember what any of them say.)

Job you would most like to try?
A healer. Or maybe a pastry chef. That would be fun. :P

Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
Ick. Neither? I always sort of leaned towards Snape/Hermione, to be honest (yeah, I know, 'eeeewww'. Whatev, it fits better than Hermione and Ron). But given the choice between Harry and Ron, I'd put her with Ron.

James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James. As much as he may have worshiped her, Sev didn't really stand a chance.

Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
600-something, I think? I used to know, but only cause of a 4chan macro.

Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
omg, YES. Twilight isn't even in the same BALLPARK as HP.

Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theatres?
Did it, love it, probably won't do it again simply because the headache I came home with was NOT worth the $10.

Do you own the books/movies?
Books, yes. (Though if I don't stop taking OOTP to read in the bath, I may end up short one.) Don't have all the movies, but I'll probably wait til they release whatever collectors edition box set they put together after the eighth.

Have you ever played any of the video games?
I played maybe half of Sorcerer's Stone, about ten minutes into Chamber of Secrets before getting fed up, and all of Prisoner of Azkaban. (Though I spent most of the game questioning my own sanity for continuing. It was kind of crappy.)

Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
Sure? If one must have a bird of prey as a pet, I suppose an owl is as good an option as any.

How about a rat?
I would LOVE to have a rat.

Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
I downloaded the soundtracks for the first four films, before the OOTP st was available. So, yeah. A lot, actually.

Which house would you want to be in?

Do you like Draco?
Uhm, YES. I hate JK for what she did to him and his parents in the last book. Seriously, so much wasted potential! (Thank god for fandom, yeah?)

Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
Ha! No.

Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
Yes? Why not?

What class would be your favorite?
Charms, I think. Or History of Magic, because I'm a bit of a closet history nut.

Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
Uhm, yeah. Just a bit.

meme, harry potter

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