everlasting meme! like everlasting gobstoppers, but with half the sugar and twice the hotness.

Jun 30, 2009 02:00


sezso's questions:

1. Arthur. Top or bottom? Top! I do like the occasional bottom!Arthur, but I prefer to read him as a top. I don't know, it's the whole regal domination thing, I guess. ^^; (Not that he couldn't dominate and bottom at the same time, just. *shrug* IDK. I PREFER HIM TO BE A TOP, OKAY.)

2. What's your favorite hobby outside of fandom/internets? Wait, what is this 'outside of fandom' you speak of...? :P Actually, I would have to say it's either collecting jewelry or scarves, shoppingfor shoes, or just plain old reading. If internet is not an option, I love curling up with a good book, either in the bath - which has yet to lead to any major soggy book mishaps, but I am positively paranoid about it - or with a cup of tea by the window. I'll even take it to a park if the weather is good. Also, I LOVE playing tourist and walking around the downtown docks. :D

3. Tell me your silliest pet peeve. Mastication. The act of chewing annoys me to the point of downright disgust. I have had very nice, delicious smelling meals ruined for me because the act of chewing it annoys me so much. ^^; It's odd and silly because, I mean, it's chewing. It's sort of a must, and most people don't even think about it. But I hate it. When I'm eating out or with anyone, half the time I cover my mouth with my napkin or hand while I'm chewing. Will thinks it's the weirdest thing EVER.

4. Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate? Star Wars! The original trilogy only, though. I am largely indifferent to eps I-III. I do like the original series of Star Trek, and TNG, but Star Wars wins over it. ^^;

5. How did you meet your hubby? I was working at Waldenbooks, and he was a customer. He came in and spent over $100 on manga, and we talked a little about that, but it was largely shop talk, with me making recommendations and trying to get him to buy more. But he was a regular, and a friend of my manager's, so he was in a lot. We didn't really start talking much, though, until I overheard a conversation he was having about Final Fantasy X-2 with the manager, and I butted in. After that, he started coming in when the manager wasn't there and we would talk about whatever. I would send him to get me food or coffee for my break. ^^ It was a geek's romance.

On a different note, I'm watching Prince of Egypt on youtube, and the account that it's posted in is for uncut Christian movies. Except I wouldn't really call PoE Christian. Biblical, yes, obviously, but not 'Christian'. If I were to assign any religion to it, it would be Jewish. But even that's not really true. I don't consider it a religious movie at all, because it doesn't glorify any deity. If anything, it makes God out to be rather cruel. But when I think 'Christian', I think of the fluffy version of God portrayed in the New Testament. When I think of the Old Testament "vengeance is mine" God, I think more of the Jewish religion. Really, I can't explain it. Just, yes. It's something that popped out at me, so there you go. Random, unsolicited theology from the pastor's daughter. Feel free to disregard. :p

(Also, I can't stop thinking of Merlin/PoE fusion fic with Merlin in Moses' place and Arthur in Rameses', with magic users instead of Hebrew slaves being the contested commodity. Seriously, I can't turn the fangirl off.)


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