(no subject)

May 10, 2009 11:03

Isn't it strange how nearly all my cross-posts deal with fandom (and/or Torchwood) in some way? And this one's no different.

I'm actually writing that Merlin survival horror story, and it's quite a challenge not to let it become Fatal Frame II. It doesn't help that, as I'm writing about Crawemere, I keep picturing All Gods Village, or that Merlin keeps trying to pull a Mayu. Maybe I should have Will take a look at it to make sure I don't just end up ripping off the game? Well, okay, Will would be complete crap at any sort of beta job for my fandoms. (The only time he was ever any good to me in that capacity was when I was writing out the back story for my half-fey D&D character.) So, I guess that means I should try to find someone in the fandom to help me out. F-lists, do you know of anyone familiar with the Fatal Frame (Project Zero) storyline and can point out when I'm starting to poach plot?

In other fandom news:
I am irrevocably entrenched in TW fandom. Actually, I found a fandom first (that I've encountered, anyway) in a Janto mpreg: abortion. I seriously admire the author's guts! She managed to write a story where a couple gets pregnant quite early in their relationship, not long after a series of difficult times (canonically), and instead of trying to push them into some sort of happily ever after, she had them sit down and talk and decide, mutually, that while they might love each other and want a baby at some point in the future, neither of them was ready for it. I really don't think I've seen another fic - in any fandom I've ever followed, and there have been a fair few - where abortion was used as a solution instead of an excuse for angst and drama! I may not agree with abortion as a panacea in real life (in my opinion, if you're ready to be an idiot about safe, consensual sex, you're ready to deal with the consequences, even if you just give the baby up for adoption *puts the soap box away*), but I still have to give the author serious props for tackling such a taboo subject and doing it so well.

*ahem* Anyway, that being said, I'm not sure I'm ready for a Torchwood/FAKE crossover fic. I don't know that I've ever seen an anime/manga series crossover with a live action show with much success. I guess we'll see; I've pretty much loved everything else from the author...

merlin, torchwood, fandom

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